Version 2

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I got one more idea on this title so bear with me XD
This isn't a continuation of the first part and is totally new concept. A light hearted one to be precise.

published » 11 july 2020
word count » 2023

The sun was glaring down at him and he just wiped the sweat off of his forehead, cursing the sun as well as himself. It was the month of May for heaven's sake, what was he expecting? A heavy rainfall?

Anyways he had to leave to buy some essentials and now he was covered in sweat. He reeked of the disgusting smell and he wanted nothing more than to take a shower and chill at home.

Not having a job, having no deadlines, no yelling of boss, no overload of work was so satisfying. He was glad he wasn't stuck in that chaos and chose what made him happy. He loved his artistic world. The pleasure the smell of colors gave, the brushes, the palette, the white canvas, oh damn! He couldn't explain the euphoria.

Finally as he got home, he dropped the bags on the table and threw himself on the couch. Sighing he closed his eyes but the next moment opened them again and swiftly removed his half soaked tshirt.

Ah! It felt so good without the clothes. (a/n : why can't we girls do this -_-)

Ten minutes later he left to take a shower and get rid of the stinky smell. When he freshened up, he got out wearing a towel and moved towards the balcony.

He had this weird habit of straight away going to the balcony after his shower. He was thankful that his balcony was not in an open side rather it was on that side where not much people would see him. Or else he would've given many people a show till now.

While he was enjoying the slight breeze, he didn't realise when the balcony next to him was occupied and he was being ogled at.

"Psht! Hey, nice abs." His head jerked to the side and he saw a girl smirking at him. His eyes widened and he looked down at his almost full naked body before rushing inside.

"What? Hey, I was enjoying the view." He heard her yell followed by her laugh which made him shake his head in disbelief.

He threw a tshirt over his head and wore his track pants before heading towards the balcony again. And as expected, she was still standing there and staring at his side.

"Excuse me! Staring is rude." He narrowed his eyes and her eyes snapped at him. She grinned seeing him and leaned forward resting her elbow on the railing.

"But when it's you, staring is fun." She winked and he could feel his ears turning pink. Was he blushing? She was flirting with him, what could he do? Flirt back?

"Whatever! And who are you? As long as I know this apartment has been empty for years." He frowned and she chuckled.

"Yeah it was until yesterday. I just shifted here. And I'm glad I did." She gave him a once over making him gape at her. What was she made of? Could she stop flirting for one second?

"So neighbour, I'm Nandini. And you are─?" She raised her eyebrows and he contemplated on whether he should give her his name or not.

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