Into the Unknown

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You felt a bit groggy, nothing but darkness surrounding your vicinity with a faint smell of dry blood and chlorine nearby. You hadn't a clue as to what is happening and, for some odd reason, you didn't feel all that scared.

Reaching your arms out in front of you you come across a metal cold barrier, bending to your hasty and pressuring touch to indicate its thin nature. If the metal barrier is thin, shouldn't you be able to get out of here in a jiffy? It felt like it hasn't even been all that long since you got here, and you don't even know how you managed to get yourself in this situation. You'd figure to just break the metal barrier down, if you could, that is.

It took yourself a breath or two to ready yourself, rubbing your shoulder in apologetic movements, and then quickly ramming yourself into the barrier before you could rethink anything.

Instantly you regretted it, as you fell onto the harsh concrete floors of to what seemed to be a locker room. It quite hurt, yes, but it was much better than being stuck in that stifling 8 by 8 locker.

You ruffled your [H/L], [H/C] hair, strands stuck in your hands with the soon recognition that there was an off substance laced in your strands. Slowly getting up off your ass to relax your clenching booty cheeks you looked around for a mirror - surely, there would be one in a locker room.

And certainly, there was.

You headed towards it to look for whatever residue was in your hair, pushing the stuck-together clump closer to the mirror so it'd be more visible. You couldn't get an exact idea but it felt like.. Some weird, oozing black slime. Certainly not blood - didn't smell anything like it. You stopped in your own tracks and pondered to yourself, "Who thinks of blood first anyways? Damn, am I really that edgy? Haha."

Luckily for you, underneath the mirror laid a rather mediocre sized sink. You checked if it worked and it did - surprisingly, with powerful pumps of water forcing its way out of the faucet.

Your [H/C] hair flowed down to rinse itself in the sink, pulling strands of hair apart as you felt the substance come right off and down the sink. You estimated a solid 5 minutes before you felt nothing of it left, taking off your shirt and drying your hair with it. Looking to your side to find a towel, you suddenly felt a lot stupider for using cloth that didn't work too well with drying.

You applied back your white, slightly wet oversized t-shirt to reach for the towel and dry your hair. What you didn't expect when facing back to the mirror is to find a robot in its reflection, or.. What seemed to be one. It was right next to the locker you fell out of, which was a safe 5 feet away from you.

Quickly you turned around much to the A.I's surprise, as you both let out indicators of your surprise. Yours being a small gasp, and the robot's being a ear-shattering high pitched screech.

You covered your ears and pressed in immensely heavy, or, as hard as your semi-muscular arms could take you - this shit hurt after all, and you didn't feel like losing your ability to hear at the ripe young age of 17.

With the will of a thousand suns you yelled for the robot to, "SHUT UP DUDE YOU'RE KILLIN' MY EARDRUMS HERE!"

In which the robot had promptly shut his mouth, to your satisfaction. You began rubbing your ears a bit and sticking your finger in there to flick away the lingering ringing in your ear that you always found absolutely annoying. Of course, it didn't work, which was 80 percent of the time. And 90 percent of the time it'd come back 10 seconds later anyways.

"Finally. You know, if you kept that up you could've destroyed my eardrums man. That was a solid 2000 freakin' decibels!" No it wasn't.

The robot seemed taken aback, but immediately bounced back with a serious look in his eyes.. Or eye beams.. Thingies.. What do they call robot eyes? Do they still call them eyes or do they call them sight balls? Your thoughts stopped as a smooth, robotic voice spoke, "Apologies, but I can't produce that high a sound. I actually don't think it's possible."

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