Chapter 2 part.1

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Hey guys, well I hope you enjoyed the book so far! I'm going to make it alot more dramatic, just you wait! I got a plan all planned out... Enjoy =)

Chapter 2 part.1

*Jamie and Kate's text messages*

Kate: Omg, I can't believe he just begged you to go out with him!

Jamie: LOL, yea it was sweet!

Kate: I wish Jordan was that sweet -.-

Jamie: Don't worry be happy *sings*

Kate: Haha, you can always change my mood!

Jamie: Well I should hope so, I am your bestfriend same as Emily XD

Kate: =P

Jamie: Anyways, where is Emily?

Kate: Idk, I tried calling her...

Jamie: I have a feeling somethings wrong... Let me message her, one second

*Jamie and Emilys text messages*

Jamie: Emily, why didn't you come to school today?

Jamie: Ems? You okay?

Jamie: I just called you why didn't you pick up?

Jamie: Please answer me!

Jamie: Emily, I care about you please answer me! I want to know whats wrong!

Emily: Travis, he said he used me... and that I was a bitch who isn't good enough for him ='(

Jamie: Omg, Emily, I am so sorry! Let me call Kate and we will be right by your place in 10!

Emily: Okay, I really need someone ='(

*Jamie, Kate and Emily's texts messages*

Jamie: Just got home, I hope you're okay now Ems! I really enjoyed our little movie and icecream night =D

Kate: Same, just know that we got your back!

Emily: Ty guys <3 I am feeling alot better now! =) I don't even remember his name!

Kate: You go girl!

Emily: LOL!

Emily: But I'm still not sure 'bout going to school tomorrow =(

Jamie: You'll be fine Ems! We will stand by you <3

Emily: Really?

Jamie: Really. <3

Kate: OMG!

Emily: What?

Kate: I got a text, I hope it's from Jordan!

Jamie: =O Go text him back! (if it is him)

*Kate and Unknown's text messages*

Unknown number: Hi =)

Kate: Hi? Who are you?

Unknown number: I am your prince charming ;)

Kate: Um, I don't think so...

Unknown number: Oh trust me sweetheart, I am.

Kate: I'm not to sure 'bout that, since I don't even know you!

Unknown number: I told you, I am your prince charming! You do know me, I am in your dreams...

Kate: You wish

Unknown number: One can only hope

Kate: Yea, you keep hoping... just don't message me

Unknown number: Where'd the fun in that be?

Kate: Fine, you text me all you like... It ain't my fault if you waste your credit on nothing.

Unknown number: You aren't a nothing...

Unknown number: Morning sunshine!

Kate: Why are you still text messaging me!

Unknown number: I told you yesterday, I am your prince charming and I am going to keep fighting for you!

Kate: I don't want you to, stop texting me!

Unknown number: No.

Kate: Fine, well then you leave me no choice... I am blocking you.

Unknown number: Go ahead and try.

-unknown number has been blocked-

-unknown number has been unblocked-

-unknown number has been blocked-

-unknown number has been unblocked-

Kate:How are you unblocking your self!?

Unknown number: Your prince charming got help from a wizard >=D


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2012 ⏰

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