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word count: 5,133

warnings: smut

description: Reader seeks comfort in J during a thunderstorm; he has a way with distractions.

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It was the thunder that woke you

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It was the thunder that woke you. The bright flash of lightning outside your bedroom window set your nerve endings on fire. You scuttled under the sheets, body shaking as you anticipated the loud clap of thunder that would soon follow. Without a doubt, the deafening noise from above resounded and you jumped in spite of preparedness.

What the hell was taking Joker so long? You heaved out a sigh of frustration at being left all alone at such a dire time. He had been gone all day, much like most days, except he was almost always back at sundown. If not, then surely by the time you were crawling into bed you would hear the front door creak open and feel his strong arms wrap around you as he embraced you from behind. But no. Of all times, this was when he chose to leave you. You narrowed your eyes. Oh, he would have hell to pay whenever he got back...

You swallowed thickly and forced your shaking body to lie down again. You hated storms. It seemed like such an irrational fear that came from no incident or traumatization that you could think of. Your own mind made it more terrifying than it was. You hadn't disclosed to your Joker just how deeply terrified of storms you were, which now in your case, you were wishing you had. Who were you kidding? The bastard would probably think it was funny...

The longer you laid there cursing Joker, the slower the time passed. You groaned.

You listened. You could hear the wind tearing through the trees outside your window. The way it whipped against the side of the house made the wood creak and moan. Raindrops pelted the siding and the roof. Lightning flashed in the distance and you heard the thunder rumbling like the belly of some great beast.

You heard the front door open.

Propping yourself up on shaky arms, you waited and listened to the soft rustle of clothing, a gentle sigh, a tired grunt, footsteps treading lightly...

A quiet creak emitted itself from the door as it swung inward on its hinges and your lips parted in a small exclamation.

"You're, uh, supposed to be asleep."

Your racing heart began to slow. Joker took a step into the room, observing you sitting up in bed looking like you hadn't slept a wink yet even though it was well past midnight. That assumption was correct.

"I wanted to wait for you. I thought you would have been home earlier."

He shrugged, "Well, I wasn't."

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