Chapter 4

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So sorry I haven't updated. My computer wouldn't connect to the internet so I had to do all kinds of stuff to fix it. Enjoy! :)

"What was that?" Kevin asked worriedly as a shriek rang through the mansion. Scott and Avi stiffened, turning to look at Kevin. "That sounded like-"

"Kirstie!" Avi yelled, running towards the door that led to the kitchen. Scott and Kevin ran after him, fear gripping their bodies. They ran into the kitchen and looked around, not seeing the black haired girl in sight. Avi cursed and walked out, Scott and Kevin right behind him.

"Kirstie, this isn't funny. Where are you?" He called, turning around in the hall. Fear and agony pierced Avi's heart. What if...?

"Pssst." Scott turned at the voice. Behind a wall in the hallway stood a small man. His bangs were mainly in his eyes and he looked like he hadn't eaten in days. Yet, Scott had to admit, he was very good looking. He smiled softly at Scott. "You heard me," the man said. Scott nodded confused. "Who are you?"

"That's not of any importance right now. Are you looking for your friend?" He asked Scott, his head cocking in a soft curiosity. Scott nodded, glancing back at his hysterical friends. "Do you know where she is?" The man's face fell.

"I do, unfortunately. I'm very sorry, I tried to warn her, but the missus got to her before I could stop her." Scott's heart dropped.

"W-What do you mean 'got to her'?" He asked worriedly, thinking of worst-case scenarios, and they all seem to fit. The man shook his head sadly. "You'll see. Follow me." The man disappeared into a room. Scott looked back at Avi and Kevin, thinking for a moment. Should he really trust this man that won't even give him his name? What if he's the reason they couldn't find Kirstie? What if he's after him next?

Though, Scott supposed, curiosity is humanity's greatest enemy. He ran after the man, hearing the calls of "Scott?!" by the dark-skinned man. He turned around in the halls, trying to find the one he ran into when he heard a whisper of "Over here!"

Scott ran into the room, seeing the man on the bed. "I'm terribly sorry I couldn't save her," he muttered sadly. "The missus is dangerous, she is."

"What are you talking about?" He asked, staring at him. The brunette pointed to the floor where a body was. Scott choked. It was Kirstie.

Where her eyes should have been there were just eye sockets, bleeding profusely onto the floor. In her chest where multiple holes, each getting more and more violent as they went on until she was a piece of mangled flesh. They were still bleeding as well, blood pouring onto the floor like a sea, and it led up to a wall. Scott, shaking madly, looked up, and written in blood was:

"4 little kids came to play,

One falls down and can't see,

she lays down and decides to stay,

so now three little kids came to play."

"She likes her little verses of poetry," the man muttered, staring at Kirstie's decaying corpse. Scott backed away, eyes widening in shock. "I-I-I-Who are you?" The brunette sighed, playing with his hands again. "My name is Mitch."

He froze, turning to look at Mitch. "Mitch. Mitch Grassi? As the insane Mitch Grassi?! Did you do this to her?" Mitch sighed irritated.

"I did not! The missus did! This is a warning! Leave now or there will be two, then one!" He said, pointing a finger at Scott. He gasped, and slowly backed up to the door.

"Scott! Scott! Where are you?" Scott heard his friend's call. "I-In here!" He called out. "I-I found Kirstie."

His eyes watered as he looked upon his friend. Kirstie had been his best friend since high school, and seeing her bloody and mauled on the ground, after she had always been there for him, always been that shoulder to cry on or laugh at their stupidity when they were kids. She had a future ahead of her; she was going to be a lawyer. She was going to start a family. Her dreams were gone because Avi made them go into the stupid house.

"Scott! Wheres Kirstie?" Avi asked as they ran in, seeing Scott with tears running down his face. He glared at him. "How about you have a look?" He snarled, motioning to Kirstie. Avi's eyes widened and filled with tears as he fell onto the ground, seeing his girlfriend dead on the ground. Kevin just threw up right then and there. Scott just stared on.

"H-How? Why her?" Avi sobbed, and Scott could feel a pang of pity for the man. This was the most human emotion he's seen him show in a long long time. Kirstie really did change him. Kevin patted his best friend's back, whispering soothing words. Scott bit his lip in thought. Despite his friend dying, his brain was giving him logical theories to this.

Kirstie's cause of death was not a coincidence. She obviously got the father's cause; stabbing to death. The eyes were new though. Why the eyes? Scott sighed, rubbing his temples. What did this mean? If Kirstie's dead, then that leaves two more. Who's going to die next? Who's going to leave?

As Scott contemplated this, Mitch looked on, hidden when Avi and Kevin came in. He felt a small pang of emotion at Avi on the ground. Maybe he wasn't such a bad guy. He frowned, seeing Scott thinking. Scott was going to give the missus a run for her money. Mitch smirked. Maybe that won't be so bad.

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