Chapter 12: The Merge

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Josie was sitting on the docks, unsure of how she got there. The last thing she remembered was softly singing Hope to sleep and then bam, she was overlooking the lake at dusk. She turned when she heard soft footsteps on the dock and smiled when she saw that it was Hope.

Hope sat down next to her and grasped her hand. "So, who's dream do you think this is? Yours or mine?"

Josie looked over the orange kissed lake. "Oh. That makes sense. I couldn't figure out how I got here."

Hope kissed the hand she was holding and looked out over the lake. "I think it's mine we're in this time. It feels different than the last one. Stronger."

"Are you still in wolf form?" Josie asked.

"Yeah. I haven't shifted back yet," Hope solemnly said. "That's probably why it feels so real. Our connection is crazy strong when I'm a wolf. I could still hear you even though I'd let the wolf take over."

"Do you think we'll lose the connection if we aren't in the same vicinity?" Josie asked.

"Maybe," Hope answered. "Although I could feel you while you were an entire ocean away, so we might not lose that connection, so to speak. We should test it." She smiled at Josie sadly. "Thank you for giving me time last night. I'm sorry if that scared you."

"I know who you are Hope, and I accept that. Are you ready to talk about it?" Josie asked tentatively.

Hope sighed heavily and pulled her right knee up to her chest to hug. "It's hard to explain, and it's going to change our lives forever."

"Whatever it is, we'll face it together," Josie assured her.

Hope nodded her head and then turned to face Josie. She took the hand she still held and cupped it between her other. "I love you Josie." She took a deep breath as a tear rolled down her cheek. "I know it's still early in our relationship, but I need for you to hear it. I need to say it. I love you with every fiber of my being. I am so happy to have you in my life and I hope that we can spend the rest of our lives together and never lose an ounce of this love."

Josie smiled through heavy tears at Hope. Her chest expanding with more happiness than she ever thought was possible. "I love you too Hope."

She leaned forward and grasped Hope's bottom lip between her, putting every ounce of love she felt for Hope into the action. Hope kissed back, and pulled Josie closer to her, wrapping her arm around her waist.

The nice thing about being in a dream was there was no need to break apart to catch their breaths. Although they knew they were in a dream, it still felt as real as if they were actually sitting on the docks.

Josie broke the kiss when she remembered that Hope had something to tell her. Something that seemed like it was going to change everything. "What did you need to tell me?"

The happy look on Hope's face dropped into a sad look. "I asked you parents if I could be the one to tell you. I figured it would be less of a shock if I told you instead of them." She paused and bit her lower lip as she struggled with how to start. "How much do you know about your biological mother's coven?"

"Ah... Not much. Just that Lizzie and I are the last living decedents of the Gemini Coven, which is the only coven in the world to produce siphoner witches."

"Have you heard about something called the merge?

"No... What is it?"

Hope took an unnecessary deep breath. "There was a curse placed on the twins in your coven centuries ago," Hope began. She paused to clear her throat. An action she did out of anxiety instead of necessity. "When a set of twins turns twenty-two, they are force to take part in a ritual to see who will lead the Gemini coven. The stronger of the two absorbs the weaker, becoming one being, and that person becomes the leader and lifeline for the coven. If the person dies, so does every person still magically linked to the coven."

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