Chapter 8: Headin' back

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Nicos POV

     Then I remembered what happened just before the quest.


     I was in the shadows as usual while the rest of the crew talked strategy and what the Prophecy could mean. I was getting bored and walked outside in thought. Suddenly a bright blinding yellow flash appeared in front of me and standing in all his glory was Apollo, Wills dad. "Lord Apollo" I got on one knee. Not to be rude but there a reason your here?"

     "Ah, yes Nico. Of course a reason I'm visiting is because how awesome I am! But I also come to give you a blessing that you'll probaly need during the quest." Apollo said buffing out his chest.

     I just stood there like a idiot. "Your blessing?"

     "I'm the God of Prophecys and I forsee that you'll need the power from me, in order to succeed. HEY! That rhymes!"  Apollo exclaimed.

     "Well, if I need it in order to succeed then I accept your offer." Nico told Apollo.

     Apollo answered with a nod and chanted in ancient Greek, He glowed bright yellow for a second and Pain flared all over my body, then as quickly as it started, the Pain stopped and the glow dissapeared. He didn't feel any different but didn't question Apollo. 

     "Thank you" I told him.

     "Your welcome! In fact you know what would make this moment more awesome?"


     "A Haiku!" He said brightly.

     "WAIT! No, no that's ok, thanks but no thank!" He quickly shadow travelled away to the crew on the Argo."

*Flashback end*

     He was thinking hard. Apollo. What powers do Apollo have? Music, poetry, WAIT! Isn't Apollo the God of healing?! Would he... 

     He concetrated and thought about his friends wounds closing and waking up. He opened his eyes and was gobsmacked at what he saw. Wounds were closing on their own and Percy was shaking his head while sitting up groaning.

     "W-what happened?" Percy muttered, fear obviously detected in his voice.

     We all turned to look at him.

     "Percy, mabey we should talk about this on the ship." Annabeth said shaklily.

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