chapter 1

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Reader POV

"If it isn't the freak" you heard as you walked down the hall of your school. you went to shiratorizawa high school in miyagi. You ignored the boy's words and continued to walk to the girls gym during the last period of the day because you didn't have class that period and wanted to start practicing early.

You were the captain of the girls volleyball team and you didn't really like being around them so you would get your practice in during your free period before school was over. Then the club activities started and you would practice with the team after that you would continue to practice after team practice was over.

"Don't ignore me you bitch" the guy behind you yelled as he grabbed your shoulder and slammed you against the wall. You winced as your back hit the door to the volleyball club room with a loud bang. You cried out quietly as the door knob dug painfully into your back. The guy who stopped you got up in your face.

"You gonna listen now freak?" he sneered at you. You glared at the boy in front of you before you full force kicked him in the groin and quickly ran to the girls gym and locked the gym door behind you. You slid down the door to the gym as you let out a breath of relief.

After about five minutes of waiting to make sure the guy wouldn't be coming after you, you opened the door and pulled out the cart full of volleyballs so you could get your practicing started.

Tendou's POV

"Hey Ushijima. What are you gonna do after we graduate this year? I mean like in career or school wise?" I said as I looked over at Ushijima as we walked down the hall nearing the volleyball courts. He looked at me with a questioning glance

"Volleyball what else?" he said, his voice monotone as usual.

"I don't know, I just personally wasn't thinking about doing volleyball after high school, you know?" I said just as I heard a loud bang come from the girls volleyball gym. I looked at Ushijima and we both nodded quickly as we ran to the gym to make sure everything was okay.

As we approached the door we quickly slowed down to a walking pace and quietly approached the door to the gym. It was wide open so we peaked our heads around the door to see a girl in a white tank top and spandex right as she jumped to hit a spike. I stared at her in awe as she hit the ball and it quickly slammed into the court on the other side of the net and ricochet up into the wall.

As the girl landed from her spike her knees buckled and she fell to the ground with a scream. By the looks of it she wasn't in any physical pain but the way she clutched her chest as she started to sob implied that she was hurting. I moved to walk into the gym when Ushijima grabbed my shoulder and shook his head, silently telling me not to go in. I nodded but cried internally as I could feel her pain in her sobs as we walked away. My heart broke as her sobs got louder as we walked away and soon you could hear her scream again. I didn't want to walk away but Ushijima kept pulling me along to the other gym with him.

Reader POV

You stood up and dusted yourself off after you finished crying and checked the time only to realize that it was almost time for the final class of the day. You quickly scrambled to the locker room to clean yourself up and look presentable so that no one would know you were crying. After you had managed to make it look like you hadn't been crying you tied your snow white hair into a ponytail and walked back out into the gym.

After a few minutes the other girls on the team showed up to the gym for practice and you got started. Today you were extra hard on the girls with running practice as your team and the boys team shared a single coach and he was working with the boys today. It's not like the girls weren't used to it.

You never went easy on them and they knew on days like this not to mess with you because you had a bad day and they didn't wanna get on your bad side. You ran practice as normal, getting approached by one of your teammates every so often to ask for tips and you reluctantly helped out.

You were very cold towards your team. In fact you were cold towards everyone. Still they never understood why, and you didn't feel like explaining anything to them. The team never saw you outside of practice and you preferred it that way. Your co captain however didn't like this one bit. She never stopped trying to be your friend and you didn't understand why. But every time she came up to you you brushed her off and walked away.

                                         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Tendou's POV

After practice had ended I walked back into the school and headed up the staircase to the roof, as I do just about every day. I sit up there and think about my life, maybe cry to myself because I can't handle being alive anymore but today was different. Today was the day I was finally going to do what I had been wanting to do for so long but never had the courage to. Today was the day. Or so I thought.

Just as I was about to take my shoes off, once I reached the roof I saw a girl, her white hair waving in the wind and her pale skin glistening in the sunlight from the tears streaming down her face. She was standing on the ledge of the building about to jump and despite what I had come up there to do, I reached out and said "hey, don't do it please".

A/N: so uh hey guys! This is my first fanfic that I'm posting on this account as my old one had gotten hacked plus I was pretty bad at writing at the time. I like to think I've gotten better but that's just my own opinion yk? So tell me whatcha think abt my book so far in the comments and also yes this story will have mentions of self harm/attempted suicide so I'm sorry if that is a triggering subject for you guys. Also if any of you would like to talk abt anything just DM me and I will listen or help you through whatever you're going through. That's it for now and hopefully i can get chapter two out to you guys soon! Love you all and have a great day! <3

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