02: drop the act

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02: drop the act

"What have you been up to lately?" Paige asked me through facetime.

We've been best friends since middle school. We've actually known each other since 4th grade but the chaos of our freshmen year brought us closer and here, we are facetiming everyday over the summer because we're just that bored out of our minds.

"Nothing new. Morgan's trying to get me boyfriend though," I tried not to draw too much attention to the statement.

Luckily, she just laughed. "Well good luck to him. Lena you the most urban specification of allure that I know. Did he come up with anyone good?"

"Um I don't know if I'd call him good but-"

"That's what she said," Paige stage whispered very rapidly

"Shh" I hissed at her while trying to keep a straight face, "But like Morgan said when I was talking about the guy I'd want to date, I almost flawlessly described his friend Keith's personality and character."

Now that caught her attention. Paige immediately jumped of her bed, shaking her phone like crazy, and looked me like I was insane, "Do you mean Keith Reyes? As in the super-hot dude with an Australian accent that you couldn't stop talking about especially after you did his hair for the spring musical?"

"Maybe...?" I tried my hardest to give her my most angelic smile, but she knew when I was lying.

"Bitch you talked about him like non-stop last year. Drop the act and tell me what's really happening."

"Well, nothing happened, and nothing will either. Morgan said he'd talk to Keith but like I told him not to. Also, you've seen Keith before, so you know he's way out of my league and-"

"Dude seriously though Lena, you are stunning" She smiled through the screen, "Also just looks aside you have an amazing personality and any guy who can't see that is just straight up blind"

"Thanks, but-"

"Na uh" She shook her index finger side to side and said "No buts, no nuts, and especially no coconuts. Now tell me more about what Morgan is trying to do. Like did you actually describe Keith?"

"I guess? I mean I don't know? I've never really talked to Keith out of class and like I don't exactly know him that well"

"Lena we've been friends long enough for me to know when something isn't right. Talk to me"

"Paige, I don't know, this kind of stuff scares me. Like I know I've never had a boyfriend or anything before but like part of it is from the fear that I might be broken or hurt again? Remember Harry?" I looked at her just in time to catch her rolling her eyes. She never liked him.

"Oh god no. Not him again. Lena we've been over this before. Not every person in the world is like him. He was your middle school crush. He might be at the same high school as us right now but that doesn't mean you still have to dwell on him."

"I know Paige. I know"

"Do you though Lena?" She gave me the look that said 'I know you better than you know yourself so quit acting because it's not worth it'. "Look if you ask me, I'd say what you really need right now is a trip to the mall and some time alone with you best friend"

"Shit. I'm so sorry Paige, I got kinda distracted and completely forget I promised we'd go shopping"

"I'll forgive you, as long you promise to buy whatever I want" She joked with a mischievous grin plastered across her face.

"Paige, I love you but I don't think I have that kind of money" I laughed.

She had good taste but that didn't always mean it came with a good price. No matter how hard I tried, I could never get Paige to try and be more reasonable with how she spends her money. It okay though. She's a smart person and she has defiantly gotten better throughout the years.

"Dude, can you at least French braid my hair when I pick you up then?" She picked up her dog and tried her best to mimick his puppy dog eyes.

I just laughed shaking my head, "Now that is something I can do."

"Yeeeeet" She jumped in front of the vanity and set the phone against the mirror as she fished out her favorite rainbow hair ties.

Paige had gorgeous luscious hair. It was naturally brown, but she'd recently dyed the ends of it blue and since then she's been having me do her hair like all the time. I didn't mind it of course. It was rather soothing. Like it helped me calm down and gave me a sense of peace when I did her hair. I don't know it's kind of hard to explain and probably sound really weird too.

"Found them!" Her expression was priceless. God, I love her so much.

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