Chapter 3

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I walked into my older brother’s room after I finished the long list of chores my mother had me finish,

“What do you want?” He asked, not turning around from putting his clothes away in his dresser.

“Help.” I said, sitting on his bed and fiddling with the Navy blue comforter. 

He turned around and knitted his eyebrows together in confusion. “With what? Are you alright?”  

“I’m fine.” I sighed.

“Then what do you need help with?”

“I want to leave.”

“Leave…” He trailed off absentmindedly. “Leave where?”

“Leave here.” I said quietly and continued running my fingers over the comforter, refusing to meet my brother’s dark brown eyes.

“You don’t like it here?”

“Are you kidding me?” I asked, my head snapping up. “I hate it here!”

“I guess it makes sense.” He mumbled.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked, narrowing my eyes.

“Well you haven’t exactly been well behaved these last few years.”

“Oh.” I breathed. “Yeah…”

He raised his eyebrows at me. “Why do you want my help? Why don’t you ask Harmony?”

I rolled my eyes. “You know how emotional she gets.  If I ask her for help, she’ll just end up crying and begging me not to leave.”

“That’s true, but…I can’t.  I’m sorry.”

I sat up straight and narrowed my eyes at him. “Why not?”

“No one’s ever left here before.  Obviously if we were meant to leave, then someone would have by now.”

“You’re scared aren’t you?”

He furrowed his eyebrows and stared at me. “No, I just don’t really want to leave.  I like it here.”

I groaned. “It’s stifling.”

“How? What’s so bad about where we live?”

“Everyone knows each other and everyone knows each other’s business.”

“Some people actually enjoy that.”  He said slowly. “Other places get that, too, not just here.”

I groaned in frustration and stomped towards the door. “If you’re not going to help me, I doubt anyone will.”

“Mel-” he started, but I slammed his door shut before he could finish his sentence.


“What are you doing?” Harmony hissed.

“I’m going to school.” I said slowly, staring at her.  “What are you doing?”

She sighed and gave me a flat look. “Obviously I realize that you’re going to school.  It’s Monday, I’m not an idiot.  I mean what are you wearing?”

I looked down and fingered the hem of my shirt and then smoothed down my jeans. “Oh, this?  I’m mixing up my style a little.”

“You can’t wear that color! You’re going to get in so much trouble.”

I rolled my eyes, and looked down at my black combat boots. “It’s blue.  Turquoise is a shade of blue.”

“NO IT ISN’T! Go change! You’re going to get in trouble!”

“Why would I change? I happen to like this color.”

“Yeah…but it’s not your color.”

I narrowed my eyes and started walking. “I don’t care if it’s my color or not, I like this color, so I’m going to wear it.”

She trailed behind me and muttered things about me getting suspended.  Honestly though, I was hoping I’d get in trouble and get yelled at, it would just be an excuse to run away and leave this awful, awful place.

I didn’t even know where I’d go…but as long as it was away from here, I didn’t care. We walked to school in silence; Harmony caught up to me, shooting me worried glances.  

I rolled my eyes; she was such a goody-goody…always following the rules.  Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t a bad quality…it was just…so annoying.

We reached the school, and were immediately stopped by a campus monitor.  “Principle’s office now, Miss Amarae.”

I grinned, and walked to the office.  Obviously, I wasn’t paying attention, because I soon found myself on my ass.  


“Are you okay?” A voice asked; I looked up, my eyes widening. Of course, it just HAD to be the hottest guy at school: Brayden James.

The source of my daydreams for the past year.  

And he was talking to me.


“Y-yeah.”  I stuttered, heat spreading over my face and down my neck.  


He chuckled lightly, and held a hand out for me.

He was so nice (insert squeal here).  Holy mother of Cheese.  

Dude was HOT.  Did I mention that already?  His black hair was styled perfectly, making his light blue eyes pop even more than they do on a daily basis (Pfft.  It’s not like I stalk the dude…often). His color was black, which just…ugh.  I love a guy in black.  He was about 5’10, and was on the football team (so you can imagine how beautiful he was). 

“Sorry about that.” He chuckled, flashing me a perfect smile.  “I guess I wasn’t paying attention.”

“It’s okay!” I squeaked.  “It was m-my fault.”

He cocked his head.  “Have we met?”

I would have remembered talking to you, hot stuff. “I don’t think so.”

“What’s your name?”

Eeek!!!! “Melody.”

“I’m Brayden.” As if I didn’t already know that.  Heh…heh. “My friends call me Bray, though.” He winked.


“Nice to meet you.” I giggled. “But, I’ve gotta get going…principle’s office.”

“Ahh.  Have fun.” He grinned, walking away.

What a miracle.  I was only a semi-idiot. 




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