chapter one pt 7

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"He tried to hirt our baby.." fash  looked at her up and down "y-your.." inka looked at him still holding her stomach "yes..." fash had anger in his eyes. He wasn't mad at inka he was mad at read for putting his hands on his pregnant girlfriend.

"D-Did he hurt.." inka shook her head "I had my hands covering my stomach the entire time" fash nodded and held her close "you are to never leave me or my guards sight. Ever..... understand?" Inka nodded fash went to put his hand on her stomach before stopping "c-can i?" Inka smiled "of course"

Fash smiled slowly putting his hand on her stomach even though she wasn't big he felt happy knowing that there was something in there. Inka smiled and hugged him, he hugged her back before pulling away "what's the guys name, I need to know now"

Inka looked at him "I-it was r-read..." she said looking down "read choi" dash nodded before quickly leaving the room to make a call "hey bos-" dash interrupted his worker "find out everything about read choi NOW!" he said hanging up afterwards

Inka had rushed over to the bathroom and started throwing up. Fash hers and hurried towards her to lift her hair out the way "it's okay bibi" he said as he rubbed her back. Inka stopped and leaned against fash "I'm done.." dash nodded and helped her up

"Wants some water?" Inka looked at him and nodded fash nodded "oi" he said turning to a guard who at the door "go get some water and fast" he motioned her to lay on the bed "I'll take the next couple of weeks off from work to spend time with you...okay?"

Inka smiled "thank you" she said leaning into fash. "How far long are you?" He said rubbing her back and grabbed the remote "two months and 4 days"

Fash looked at her "you waited two months to tell me?!" Inka laughed "well may you were on a business trip, and you were in the office for most of the days last months so how could you blame me?"

Fash looked at her "fair point" he said turning the tv on and putting on greys anatomy. Inka looked at him "you know we can find out the gender soon... what do you want the baby to be?" Fash looked at her "I dont really care but maybe a little boy" inka smiled "me too"

"Having another boy around here would be nice, especially one that will look and act like you" fash kissed her "I love you" inka smiled "i love you too darling"

*time skip*

Inka's stomach was starting to show she was now three and half months pregnant and her and fash were going to the doctors to find out the gender of the baby. They both didnt care what the gender was but both really wanted a boy

Fash was glad that he was going to this appointment with her. Ever since he found out that inka was pregnant he's been getting closer to her. Fash had pulled up to the doctor's and got out to go open inka's door. Inka got out and walked towards the door. Fash quickly went over and opened the door for her

She smiled and walked in, she went and signed in and sat down next to fash "are you excited? Cause I am" she said putting her hand on her stomach. Fash smiled and kissed her "babe you know I am" he said smiling

After sitting for about twenty minutes inka was called back for an ultrasound "let's go" inka said getting up and walking to a room with an ultrasound. She got up onto the table and laid down. The female doctor came in

"Good morning, your here for the gender right?" Inka and fash both nodded. She nodded and walked over to inka "lay down for me please while I put this gel on your stomach"

I am did so and laid down and lifted her shirt up. She shivered a little as the cold gel hit her stomach "so what are you guys hoping for" the doctor said putting the tool onto inka's stomach  "well we both dont care but we really want a boy" the doctor nodded and looked around for a lil bit making sure that what she was seeing was correct

" well sorry to say it but looks like your having a little girl" fash looked up "really?!" the doctor nodded pointing to where you could see the gender inka smiled as she wiped the gel off of her stomach. The doctor handed them the ultrasound pictures and left.

Inka got off the bed and smiled "were gonna have a little princess" fash had tears in his eyes "I'm so blessed to have you in my life" inka smiled and walked out with fash

Fash opened the door for inka and let her get in he was so happy right now. Yes he wanted a boy but knowing that he was gonna have a little girl made him feel even better "so when do you wanna have the baby shower?"

Inka looked at him "I dont know? Maybe in a couple weeks" fash nodded "let's go home okay" inka smiled and held his hand as he drove out of the parking lot and headed home

To be continued

Hi kiwi's I hope your having a great day today. This was a long chapter i decided to not add any action and to just have a chill chapter i might post chapter 8 later today. I hope your surprised by the baby's gender I had asked people if they should have a boy or a girl and a lot said a girl so yup. So anyway have a great day
                            -love 🥝

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2020 ⏰

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