it gets out of hand

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//TW: this chapter contains abuse, blood, stuff like that. If this affects you, skip to the next chapter, it's quite graphic//

Harry's POV

I am stuck, cramped up in my cupboard under the stairs, I am home alone, for now, aunt Petunia and cousin Dudley have gone out for the weekend and uncle Vernon isn't back from work yet. I finished the gruelling chore list that I get daily before they left, and they locked me in here then.
I move into a new position uncomfortably and try to find a way that doesn't hurt so much. I am getting far too big for this tiny space now, it's a miracle I still fit... well, not really; the reason I'm so small is because I've never been fed enough, even less this summer.
Two summer's ago, when I was thirteen, I started writing to Sirius and Remus, my godfathers. It had really helped to distract me from the daily hand-outs of abuse I was given by my 'uncle' and helped me feel more normal, more loved...
But this summer, I haven't had the chance. The beatings have gotten severely worse and I haven't been allowed any parchment or quills to write anyway. I used to keep them hidden under a loose floorboard in the bedroom I was given, but uncle Vernon found that and now I'm back in the cupboard under the stairs, like I used to be. I doubt they even realised really, the letters probably meant a whole lot more to me than them, but I still liked to think that maybe they noticed I had stopped writing, but to no avail. At the start of summer, I hoped that they might find that something was wrong, and come to rescue me, but I've since realised how foolish I was to think that and have given up all hope.

Suddenly, I heard the front door of the Dursleys house bang open, the loud crash ringing through my ears. The footsteps of my whale of an uncle boom throughout the hallway, shaking my small cupboard as he got closer. I silently sighed with relief as I heard him pass my cupboard and go into the kitchen, however my heart rate picked up again when I heard him bellow:
"BOY! WHAT HAVE YOUU... ~~slurring~~ boy you're going to GET IT THIS TIME!!"
I cowered further into the wall, hoping to Merlin he wouldn't drag me out of the cupboard, but it was no use, I knew he would like every time. The beatings were worse when he was drunk, which was getting increasingly often nowadays.
His booming footsteps got closer and closer to my cupboard, stumbling around like a new born fawn, (although much heavier) and the door was wrenched off the hinges, revealing a huge purple face, grimacing menacingly down at me.
Oh crap! I thought to myself, this is going to be bad. Really bad. Vernon's eyes were swimming and unfocused, his pupils dilated; his whole face had a tinge of purple, his veins pulsing under his skin. He reached put one short, chubby arm and grabbed me roughly by the scruff of my neck, and dragged me out carelessly.
He threw me onto the kitchen floor and started to search around, what for, I did not know.
When he turned to be facing me, he had an armful of various implements: knives, lighters, rolling pins... I didn't get a chance to study them all before he dumped them onto the floor beside me.
"You will never make a mess in my house again!!" He shouted, spit flying in all directions.
I wondered briefly what mess I had made, after all, I had spent all day doing chores and I wouldn't dare not finish them. Then I saw a cup out on the side, with the smallest splash of water beside it. I knew for a fact I didn't leave that there. I am never allowed drinks or anything, let alone would I leave it out on the side and not drink it. But that didn't matter to Vernon. Whatever he could find, he would blame on me.
I began to explain myself, hoping that maybe, just maybe he might listen and understand. But I knew that would never happen. Stupid wishful thinking. However before I could get much more than one word in, a stubby hand grabbed a handful of my hair and used it to slam my head against the kitchen counter. He repeated it a few times before releasing me back onto the floor, earning a tiny whine from me which he didn't seem to hear.
This time he picked up a rolling pin, brandishing it in his hands before hitting me relentlessly all over, leaving me a black and blue mess of sore limbs at his feet. I tried my hardest to suppress the cries of pain, knowing that would only achieve more harsh torture. All the same, I couldn't stop myself from whimpering when he smashed the rolling pin, by which point was splattered with my blood, on my head, repeatedly.  
He then dropped the rolling pin on the floor with a loud clatter and reverted to kicking me with all his might everywhere he could reach, mainly in the stomach and chest. I heard faint cracks coming from my own body as he pounded his foot into me. I screamed out in pain when I felt something move unnaturally inside of me.
When he was content with the effect he had had with his boot, he reached a long, extremely sharp looking knife. I curled in on myself as tight as I could, whimpering at the sharp pain in my ribs and everywhere else. He grinned down at me sadistically and turned the knife, letting the light reflect off of it and dance across the walls. Whether from the pain or the fact I was practically terrified for my life I don't know, probably a mix of the two, I was shaking like mad, which he could probably see. My vision swam in and out of focus, black spots consuming the light; and my head felt as though everything was spinning.
Vernon crouched down and leaned so that his face was merely a few inches from mine, allowing me to see the small beads of sweat that rolled down his purple face through the haze. He lifted a hand and stroked my cheek clumsily in a way that in any other situation would be considered comforting, but I knew better.
"Now little Harry..." Vernon slurred "you're never going to make a mess in my house again are you? You filthy, good for nothing, ungrateful freak!" He poked my cheek harshly with the last words.
"N- no un- cle v- Vernon." I stuttered between whimpers.
Vernon then brought the long knife up to my face and without warning, he sliced it into my skin. Leaving long, deep gashes on my cheeks, nose, jaw, all over. He then moved down to my neck, shoulders and back, leaving yet more cuts in his wake. I screamed out again, earning a slap across the side of my head, making me even dizzier, and an angry hushed whisper
"shut it or else. You know you deserve this!" From behind.
I closed my eyes tight as tears cascaded down my cheeks. Willing myself not to pass out, I breathed deeply, and focused on fighting to keep consciousness, rather than the dreadfully painful exertion Vernon was working on on my back and arms.
After what seemed like hours, I didn't know, I heard the knife clatter to the ground. I hesitantly lifted my head, no more than a couple of millimetres, off the ground. Bad idea. My head swam once more and I let it fall onto the blood-covered tiles with a dull thud.
Behind me, Vernon was being frighteningly quiet, until I heard the all too familiar click of a lighter.
Before my mind could clock what was happening, the flame was being held against my skin, making me yell out in agony.
Vernon held it there for a short while before moving it to a new position. He did this a few times before he was satisfied with the terribly sore looking blisters he had created.

Third person POV I guess...
After that, Vernon simply ambled put of the kitchen and into the living room, collapsing onto the sofa, sleep taking over his drunken body, contented with the agony he had inflicted on the boy.
Harry was lay in a pool of his own blood on the floor of the kitchen, slowly fading out of consciousness. That was until a god-awful pain erupted in his back. Holding in screams, Harry thought his uncle had cone back for another round  but when the pain found it's way to his head and lower back, he casted silencing charms around himself and screamed. By the end of it all, Harry was utterly spent. He passed out then and there, cometely unaware of what had happened...

Sooooooo! Hope you liked that first chapter. I know it was a bit graphic, I hope it was still alright though. Might have got a bit crappy towards the end but you should still guess what that was... if not, just read the next chapter, that'll explain it. I think... idk whatever!! :)
Also the song at the top is worth giving a listen, good song.
I think I'll put songs at the top of each chapter, just because that's fun. :))

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