Weasleys homecoming

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Apollo was pacing infront of the show room fireplace, nervously playing with his fingers. He was waiting for the arrival of the Weasleys, his second family if you will. Every now and then, he'd look up to see if the flames of the fire had turned green yet.

"Apollo, pacing won't make them get here any quicker, you know?" Sirius chuckles as he walked in the room.
"I know... I just... I don't know, I'm excited to see them all." He gave a sheepish smile.
"You want to see the twins don't you." Sirius said in a knowing tone. Apollo flushed bright red.
"Yeah... maybe." Sirius grinned and stepped towards him.
"I'm just, I guess I'm a little nervous. I mean, the rest of them haven't seen me like this yet, what if they don't like me?" Sirius frowned, and took Apollo's hands in his own.
"You're going to be fine, they'll love you. And if they don't, I'll kick them outta my house!" This made Apollo laugh.
"I expect the twins already told them to be honest, I mean, it's not a very easy thing to keep secret is it?" Sirius reasoned.

"You alright in here?" Came a voice from the door way. The two turned to see Remus leaning against the door frame.
"Yep, all good." Apollo chipped.
"Just nerves, isn't it pup." Sirius smiled, ruffling up his curls. Remus gave a sympathetic smile.
"It's normal, to feel like that. But trust me, they will be fine with it. And Arthur is your godfather, so you get to tell him that too!" Apollo's eyes widened, he had forgotten all about telling Arthur he was his only living godfather. Sirius and Remus both giggled.
"He's going to be happy, cub."

Suddenly, the flames in the fireplace flared a bright luminous green and out stepped Molly Weasley. She locked eyes with Apollo for a moment with a confused expression etched on her usually joyful face. Apollo shifted uncomfortably under her gaze. Remus noticed this and quickly intervened.
"This, " he took Apollo's shoulders,
"Is Apollo." He smiled. Molly looks to Remus and back to Apollo, for a short moment, everyone in the room dreaded her reaction.
But then she smiled and engulfed the short boy in a warm hug.
"How lovely to meet you Apollo dear, although I kind of already know you..." Apollo sighed in relief, and relaxed a little bit. Molly pulled back and held the boy at arms length.
"Oh you do look like your fathers. And look at those gorgeous eyes-"

But she was cut off abruptly when the first redhead child, Ron, stepped out of the fireplace. He waved at everyone.
"Hi Ha- Apollo." He said awkwardly. Apollo smiled at his friend. The flames burned green and Hermione emerged from the fire, followed closely by Percy, Ginny and Arthur. Hermione pulled Apollo into a hug, taking him by surprise.
"Oh Apollo, it's so good to finally see you!" She chimed.
"Y- yeah. You too 'Mione."

"Apollo Corvus, look at you." Apollo turned to see Arthur, his godfather, looking at him, smiling.
"Mr Weasley." Apollo greeted.
"Please, call me Arthur." He insisted, wrapping his arm around Apollo's shoulders in a side-hug.
"Arthur..." Apollo corrected himself.
"Gosh, you really have inherited your father's height haven't you?" They both chuckled.
"What's that supposed to mean, huh?" Sirius said from the other side of the room, making them laugh more.
"Oh nothing, just that you are very short, especially compared to Remus, he's a giant!" Sirius laughed too.
"Yeah, well... opposites attract eh?"
Sirius and Arthur began talking about his muggle motorbike so Apollo walked away.

"Hello, I don't believe we talked much before anyways, but it's nice to meet you Apollo." Percy Weasley said politely.
(Just for future reference, in this story, Percy Weasley is good, and Ginny is the bad Weasley. :) So don't go hating on poor Percy, he's nice in this.)
"Hi Percy, good to see you." Apollo said back. Ginny just stood back, her arms crossed, looking sour. She didn't talk to anyone, even when Remus said hello to be polite. Apollo looked at her curiously  hut brushed it off when he noticed something much more concerning.
He looked around the room, and despite all the heads of red hair he could see, his twins weren't anywhere. He began to worry, as he searched the room in case he's missed them, and checked the fireplace in case the flames had gone green.
But it was no use. His twins hadn't turned up. He just watched as his Dad and Papa greeted everyone around the room with smiles and side-hugs. He wished he could be hugging Fred and George. He had been looking forward to their hug all morning, greeting them and just having his mates back. He had missed them so much, more than he even thought he would.
It was like he was having some sort of withdrawal from them. And they hadn't turned up. Maybe what they said in his dream was true... they really didn't want him, they didn't love him, they really had laughed at his pain...

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