the warning

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Okay so before I start, quick question:
The next chapter, the Weasleys will find out about Harry and stuff. I've read a number of fics where molly, Ron, Ginny etc are 'evil', and some others where they aren't. So what I'm asking is what would you rather read; Weasley bashing or supportive Weasleys? Thanks !! :)

George's POV
I wake up in the middle of the night to an awful pain. It starts in my back and spreads to my head and all over my body. I scream out in pain, jumping up from my bed to see my twin, experiencing the exact same thing.
Out dad, mum, brother and sister burst into out room just as the pain stops. I flop back onto my bed, breathing heavily, worn out from whatever that was; and then it clicked. Mates Inheritance.
"Fred! George! Are you alright?!" Our mum screeches.
"Yes, yeah we're fine." I say to her.
"Our mate..." Fred looks at me.
"We can find our mate now..!" I say, looking back. We share a smile before looking at the part of our family that is congregated in the doorway.
"Are you sure you're alright?" Mum says.
"We're fine." We say.
After that, they leave, saying we should get some rest. We lie down facing each other and smile once again.
"I can't believe our mate has got their inheritance Georgie!" He whispers.
"I know Freddie!"
"I wonder what creature they are?"
Suddenly a handsome owl swoops through the window, dropping a sealed letter between our beds and gliding out. We both make a grab for it, me reaching it first, and sit on the edge of our beds. I open it eagerly but carefully, peeling off the purple gringotts wax seal and pulling it out of the envelope.
"To Mr. Fred Weasley and Mr. George Weasley," I read,
"We have recently been informed that your mate has received an early creature inheritance. "
"Early?" Fred interrupts. "Yeah... early." I read over it again. "I wonder why it was early?" He thinks out loud. "I don't know..."
I go back to the letter and skim through the important parts;
"You have the same mate between the both of you... "
"You shall meet your mate and be attracted to them... "
"If you choose to accept your mate, it will be a lifetime bond.... "
"Your mate may suffer severe consequences, being a submissive, if you choose to decline them..."
"All seems very real, doesn't it." Fred says when I reach the bottom of the parchment.

Remus' POV
(A few days earlierrr)
"Moony, what if something bad has happened?"
"It can't have, he would have still written, and even if he couldn't, the ministry would know about it."
"Maybe not..?!" Sirius says.
We have been having an on going debate, because out godson, Harry Potter, has stopped writing to us. Sirius is adamant that something drastic has happened, but I've been trying to make him see that it's probably nothing; however there's that nagging feeling in the back of my mind that he might be right.....

Time skiipppp
To the evening of the last chapter
Still Remus' POV

"Sirius. You're right. I think we should go and check on Harry. I mean, I can't imagine anything bad has happened, but I'd quite like to see him anyway, you know make sure he's happy and what not..." I say to Sirius.
"Yeah?" He says " we can go first thing in the morning then!" We both smile.
All of a sudden, there is a loud clatter outside the window. I run to the window to see an owl flapping about outside. "It's Hedwig!!" I exclaim. I hurriedly open the window for the snowy owl and let it in, however she doesn't have a letter... strange. She flies straight in and swoops around our kitchen, screeching persistently. Sirius tries to calm the bird down but to no avail.
In the midst of the fuss, a bright blue flame erupts in our fireplace and none other than Albus Dumbledor appears in it.
"Mr. Lupin, Mr. Black, I wish for you to come to my office, immediately, on the accounts of Harry Potter's wellbeing. Thank you."
For a split second, Sirius and I share a look, before diving to the fireplace where Dumbledor was previously. I grab a handful of floo powder and throw it into the fire clumsily. "Albus Dumbledor's office!" I shout and we both leap in.

Stepping out of the fireplace in our old headmaster's office, Sirius and I both begin to demand details from the man.
"Calm down, please. I will explain everything, please, have a seat." He says clamly, without his usual twinkle in his eye however.
I sit on a chair and pull my boyfriend down on one with me, who reluctantly does what the man says.
"Earlier today I received another  howler from Arabella Figg, a neighbour of the Dursleys, expressing her concerns for the boy,"
"WHAT?! ANOTHER?! WHY DIDNT YOU DO ANYTHING BEFORE?!" Sirius yells, raising off his seat.
"Please Mr. Black-"
"Enough of all this wishy washy stuff, what happened to my godson?!" Sirius demands.
"If you consent, you both will go to the Dursleys residence and remove Harry Potter. You must take these legal adoption papers," he hands me papers for adoption, "and get the Dursleys signatures. I must ask you not to do anything to the Dursleys or use magic where muggles can see."
He trails off, looking between us both.
"Can we go now?" Sirius says.
"Hold on Sirius. What exactly did Mrs. Figg say?" I ask.
Dumbledor pulls out his pensive and stirs the silvery liquid, before raising his wand to his head, extracting a memory and placing it into the pensive as well. A silvery howler rises from the pensive and begins to shout.
By the time it had finished and dissolved back into the liquid, Sirius and I were both in tears. "H- how could- how-?" I put a hand on Sirius' shoulder.
"May we go now, professor?" I say, tearily. "Yes. And please remember, do not harm the Dursleys."
"No. We won't." I say, before me and Sirius hastily step into the fireplace once more.

So that's the second chapter done! Hope this one was alright, it was a bit mix and match but I wanted to put some stuff with the twins and Remus and Sirius sooo.... idk
Anyways hope you liked it :))
The song at the top is a cover of a song by the kinks and it's a good song. I love this version though, they are such good musicians, check them out if you have a minute! I think they're on Facebook but I find most of their covers on YouTube. Anyways I'm out :P
*hijacks a moped and rides off*

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