What Did I Expect?

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        "GINNY! WAKE UP! WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT!" Hermione yelled from the hallway.

        I was laying in bed, awake, but just lying there. I must have been trying to invison the dress that I would be buying today. I looked at the clock.

        Oh dear. It's 8:00 my appointment is in 10 minutes!

        I quickly hopped out of bed and ran down to my bedroom, grab a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and put them on. Then I ran to Harry's bathroom where my things were. I quickly pulled my hair into a ponytail and brushed my teeth. Then I ran downstairs where Hermione was anxiously waiting for me, slipped on a pair of shoes and we apparated to Diagon Alley.

        "Hurry up!" Hermione called, at least 10 feet ahead of me, "we're going to be late!"

        "Oh calm down, Hermione it's alright, I'm getting married to Harry Potter, Madame Malkin would do anything to have a dress appointment with me, whether I be late or a day early."

        So Hermione and I walked into the robe shop, and when Malkin saw us she positive screamed with excitement to see us.

        "Now you just hang on, my dear. I ahve quite the selection of Muggle wedding gowns waiting in the back, just let me get them out for you!" she scuttled to the back of the shop to find the gowns and I turned to Hermione.

        "Where's Ron?" I asked, "I thought he said he would be here."

        "He should be here shortly," she responded, looking worried herself.

        I already knew that Mum and Dad weren't coming they were in Romania visiting Charlie (I think he got a girlfriend. FINALLY)

        Madame Malkin came back and set us up with a dressing room and handed me dress after dress to try on. I just couldn't find anything with that wow factor, or anything that Harry would like for that matter. We had been there for nearly four hours, so I told Hermione that I was done and she told Madame Malkin that I didn't want to try on any more dress. I guess she then responded saying that I ahd tried on every wedding dress in the shop! That made me feel upset. If I couldn't find anything to wear here, where would I find a dress?

        I must have moped for the rest of the time in Diagon Alley that I spent with Hermione because at lunch Hermione said it was probably time for us to go home.

        At Grimmauld Place, Hermione left to left to buy groceries at the local Muggle grocery store. I wanted to stay home alone and just think about the wedding, maybe start making some invite lists. Harry must have decided to come home early because he came into the living room where I was sitting with a dozen roses and a few Muggle movies, and must have not seen me either. He ran into the kitchen and asked Kreacher to make some pizza for dinner before I got home. But when he came back into the room he glanced at the corner of the room where the desk I was sitting at was placed, looked away, looked back again as if he thought he was seeing something that wasn't really there and saw me.

        "Ginny! I... I didn't expect you home until later, I meant to suprise you."

        "Well, here I am!" I said, trying to hide my disappointment.

        "Did you find anything?" he asked, his eyes lighting up a little.

        "Uh... Well... You see... Umm"

        "Ginny, what happened?"

        "I tried on every single dress in the store and didn't find a single one in my size that I liked."

        "Baby, I'm sorry," he said as his face fell, "here, I bought you some flowers and... And I rented some movies and... And I can go tell Kreacher to speed up the pizza and-"

        "Thanks, Harry, but I think I'm just going to go to bed."

        Harry looked defeated and hurt but I couldn't stay downstairs with him tonight. I don't know why I was so upset by not finding a dress today. One thing was that I couldn't stop thinking about Fred at the appointment, maybe that's what threw me off. Next time I was definetly going with Mum so she can share the experience with me and voice her opinon.


        Seeing Ginny upset because she didn't find her dress made me feel bad. After she went upstairs, I told Kreacher to stop cooking, I wasn't hungry either. I put the roses in a vase with some water and plopped down on the couch. I sat ther for a while sitting with my hands in front of my eyes, just thinking. I felt someone sit beside me on the couch and looked up from my position, it was Ron.

        "What's up?" he said.

        "Ginny didn't find a dress today and she's really upset by it."

        "Oh no! I totally forgot!"

        "She invited you?" I asked.

        "Yes! And I forgot!"

        "Sorry man."


        Ron turned on the Muggle television and we sat there watching whatever was on until late that night. At about 11, I went up to bed. Ginny was already there but she wasn't asleep. She was lying in bed silently crying.

        "Ginny, what's wrong?"

        "I think I couldn't find a dress today beause of Fred. I just miss him so much. Hermione says I might have better luck at a Muggle wedding shop but I think that I will wait until next week to make the appointment when Mum and Dad are back to that they can be with me."

        "Yeah, I understand," I said, "now it's time for you to go to sleep so you can have a nice good day tomorrow, okay?"

        "Okay. Goodnight. I love you."

        "I love you too."

        And then the day was over.









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