Fnaflover1's Question and Dare!

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Me: Hmm... It's been a while since i've checked wattpad... *checks* Wow... 3 comments on the most recent chapter? Sweet. Hey, guys! Come over here!

All: *gathers around*

Snow: Another dare?

Me: Naw, durr. This one is from Fnaflover1: "I dare Moxy to go on a romantic date and is it alright if i join. it's fine if you decline :p"

Foxy: Moxy? What's that?

Emilee: *pops in randomly* OMG MOXYYYY!!!!

Foxy: That explains nothin, lass.

DJ: Foxy and Mangle sitting in a tree-

Mangle: *covers DJ's mouth* OKAY that explains it... *blush*

Foxy: Oh... Aye. *blush* (I'm trying not to say 'intense blush' as often ._.)

Me + Emilee: AWWWWWW!!!!!!!!

Emilee: *makes a heart shape with hands, frames Mangle + Foxy in it*

~X At Date X~

Foxy: Soooo...

Mangle: Yeah.

Foxy: *has no clue what to say*

Mangle: *is afraid of making herself look stupid*

Foxy: Uhhh...

Me: *whispers* you should say something nice about her.

Foxy: *whispers back* she's pretty.

Me: *facepaw* say it to her face, you dork!

Foxy: Uhh... Mangle?

Mangle: Yeah? :3

Foxy: You... You're... (thinks: Oh my god she's adorable!) You're pretty. *blush*

Me: *Facepaw*

~X After Date X~

Me: Sooo, what did you guys think?

Foxy: 'twas alright.

Mangle: Yeah, it wasn't too bad. Niether of us made idiots of ourselves.

Me: uh huh... Anywho... *snaps*

Fnaflover: *walks in through the door*

Me: I said i was capping it off at 5-10 and you're the third. So maybe 2-4 more Joined. First come First serve! Of course you can join! Just... Can you tell me if you want to be called by another name?

Fnaflover: *shrugs, nods* if i want to.

Foxy: Alrighty, landlubbers! Post in th' comments below what ye want us te do or answer an' we'll get back t' ye as soon as we can!

Mangle: Yeah, and be sure to keep it at least semi-pg, or we may not answer depending on how bad it is. *sits forward more and 'accidentally' brushes her hand against the side of Foxy's leg*

Foxy: *intense blush* (aww god i said it!)

Me: Byeee!!!

Lol Foxy... >XD

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