13: Oh no, they fell

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"Wait! Nene, don't!"

If anything, the least Isui expected was for Nene to run straight forward, disregarding the  threat that reached out to her. In fear, Isui reacted, following the radish haired teen. 

"Isui—!" She could hear Hanako call out.

Said ghost positioned herself besides the grieving girl. Nene's eyes were starting to puff red as she cradled their friend's motionless body. The head popped off, further tormenting the poor girl.

"Aoi! Aoi, please! This isn't real… no, I, this isn't happening."

Isui placed a hand over Nene's shoulder before pulling the girl into a hug. "Nene, please, listen to me."

"Aoi… Aoi's gone… " Nene's wails persisted. 

Among the mess, Isui saw a glint of metal. It loomed over the two girls, sharp edges gleaming in delight, knowing that another victim would fall by its hands. Isui firmly embraced Nene, turning so that her back was the one exposed to the attack.

The scissor went down in one single motion.


Isui expected her head to be rolling on the ground by then. By luck it didn't. The outcome didn't help ease her shock when she saw a lock of messy blond hair in front of her.

"Exorcist!" Isui blurted, stunned. She still held Nene in her arms.

"What are you sitting around there for," Kou barked, a hint of struggle in his voice. "Get senpai out of here!"

In the heat of the moment, Isui complied and dragged the teen away from the pile of dolls. They only managed to cover a short distance when Nene gave in to her own weight and fell. Isui tried to tug Nene forward but it was no use. She was too weak to carry a person so the only way for them to escape was if Nene ran too. Yet, the cream to teal ombre haired girl was stuck in the water, despairing over the loss of their friend. Nene's friend. (Y/n)'s friend as well.

"Stop crying, Nene!" Isui yelled. Nene snapped out of her thoughts for only just a moment as she looked up to the spirit. "Aoi isn't dead!"

Nene, grief stricken, croaked out a response. "You aren't lying, aren't you?... Aoi. Aoi's not… "

"Yes! Didn't you forget? We're inside a boundary. Nobody dies, here." Isui reached out for her friend, taking her free hand and intertwining their fingers together. 

Isui was a spirit since the beginning of her existence and, if there was anything she didn't know how to do, that was to reciprocate a human's warmth. Yet her eyes softened, and to Nene those eyes were the warmest she has ever seen. Their wonderful (e/c) colors said it all.

"We will make it."

"What a touching moment!"

Both Isui and Nene were caught off guard as a certain choppy black haired wonder swept them off their feet, carrying the two like sacks of potatoes. The angry snip of scissors was brought into attention.

"Haha! That was close!" Hanako dared to joke around as the sounds to metal against metal clashing into each other was heard. Once a fair distance away, Hanako gently let the two girls down on their feet. Nene was quick to recover whilst the other was puffed red in embarrassment.

"I could've done it myself." The spectre fumed, not sure what to do with herself being vulnerable. "You didn't need to carry me. I could've just run."

"Hm?" Hanako inquired, placing his hand under his chin as a sign of curiosity. "Isui, are you alright? You're a little bit red there."

Said person fumed and could only gawk like a fish. She knew where the conversation was going and didn't want to be another victim of unwanted teasing.

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