5 - Late night room service

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'I think it'd be best if we go to our rooms, and check out where we'll be staying if we choose to live here forever or we end up dying. You know, that's one out of two outcomes, in which most of us are probably going to die. But... there is always the fact we could end up finding love and creating a whole civillisation from inside these walls. It is a possibility, you know.' Sugi blurted out. 'I think just going to our rooms would be the best idea for now. If there's clocks in there, we could check the times and set things accordingly like my watch. I think it's broken though, as it says the time is nine pm...' Firu stated. At that moment, he flinched as Monokuma sprung out from nowhere, scaring him and almost causing him to fall over. 'Nope! Your watch ain't broken! it's nine pm, meaning you've got an hour before it's night time! You know what that means, don't you? It means that at ten pm, some areas will be closed off, and it is encouraged that you stay in your rooms with your doors locked! After all, if you go out of your room at night and you run into a killer, then it sucks to be you!' He then disappeared, as if he was never there at all. 'So. I think it's be best if we see our rooms and get a good night's sleep, or maybe chat if we want to. I think we're allowed to go into each other's rooms though.' Firu led the group towards the corridor in which all sixteen rooms resided, being eight on each side, one side for boys, one side for girls. Mojiretsu looked around for his, trying to remember whose rooms he was next to and opposite, finding a small 8-bit image of himself, accompanied with his name on one of the doors, then looked at who was next to it. Standing with his back to his door, he noticed Tana was opposite him, Susoage was on his left, and Firu was on his right. He turned around, facing the door, then opened the unlocked door, which probably locked from the inside.

He closed and locked the door behind him, firstly taking note of the two items he had on top of a desk with a chair, at one corner of the room. He walked up to it, picking up the first item, being a dark blue pen with black inking, a small silver lever and a button in black. He pulled the small silver lever, and to no surprise, the pen's cartridge popped out so you could write. He pulled it back up, retracting the cartridge, then pressed the black button, to which something he was not expecting popped out the other end of the pen. A small blade had appeared, quite sharp yet confusing of why someone would have that on a pen. He pressed the button once more, and tried to figure out how to get it down, so held it and pulled the pen lever, which forced the cartridge out and the blade in, then flipped the lever once more and returned the pen to normal. He cautiously put it down on the desk, then looked at the other item. It seemed to be a model that someone had made, of a person with large angel-like wings being held down with vines and plants, trying to free themselves and fly away. It was quite complex, quite heavy and sharp in some places as well. 'You could probably kill someone if you hit them over the head with this... or stabbed someone with the pen.' He paused. 'Are every one of our missing items a potential murder weapon?' He walked away from the desk, and towards the opposite corner of the room, where his double bed lay at a corner, with white-grey sheets and a large duvet. He sat down, feeling its warm and comfortable sheets, then rested his head on the soft pillow, breathing in the clean air and freshly-washed smell. If he were to stay here for the rest of his life, at least the beds and rooms were comfortable and pleasing. He sat up once more, pondering to himself. 'Wait a minute... When I enrolled here, I distinctly remember that the headmaster's name wasn't Monokuma. I would have remembered it even more if he had gone by just one name. It was...' He had just realised something. 'His name was Burai Kelman... Wasn't it...?' He gasped. 'What happened to the actual headmaster?' He stood up, confused, then pounded his fist on the bedside table. 'What's going on?!'

As always as it was with his sudden appearances and disappearances, Monokuma jumped up once again in front of Mojiretsu's face, causing him to stumble backwards onto his bed and then bounced as he tried to regain his balance. The bear grinned its plastered smile as always, then laughed its maniacal laugh. 'I Succeeded him!' He paused. 'Of sorts... since he's not here any more so to speak...' 'What do you mean not here any more?' 'Well... He's missing! Escaped from his Sanctuary and probably torn up by one of my maniacal machines and diabolical schemes!' Mojiretsu gasped, then started hyperventilating a little, more in slower than faster breaths. 'Puhuhu! You're scared again! Just as expected from a normal, boring student who's only talent isn't actually a talent! Oops! Gotta run! Looks like someone's approaching!' He disappeared once more from whence he came, before shortly after just like he had said, someone approached, with three quick sharp knocks on the door, then a muffled male voice was heard on the other side of the door. 'Hey! Is this Mojiretsu?' He then heard the same voice, but a little quieter. 'Of course it's his room. It's his nameplate, his little icon thing, everything. Just man up and have a chat with someone for God's sake.' He heard the door knock three times once more. 'Umm... Hey Mojiretsu, it's Firu, you know, Firuduwasu Kamaru the Rugby Star and all that. You're in here, right? I heard you talking to yourself a little and I wanted to check on you if you were feeling nervous or something like that. If you wanna chat, we can, or if you don't... I'll just head back into my room. No one else is out, and I think they're sleeping or just checking out their rooms after the predicament of what we've just gone through today, from our memories to the game and the apparent traitors, we need to be able to trust someone... and at this point, you're one of the people I genuinely trust the most just from our first interaction.' After thinking about it, Mojiretsu cautiously went up to the door, unlocked it, and opened it to find Firu standing there.

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