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  A  few weeks later, Logan and Zoey where walking back to the guys room to study, Logan opens the door for Zoey. Zoey walks in and sits down the sofa and looks at Logan who drops his stuff on the floor and puts on music (Young Bombs: Better Days.)  

"Are we actually going to study?" Zoey smirks 

"No." He grins and starts to kiss her slowly.  

  20 minutes later of them making out and slowly easing their way into some fun, Michael walks into the room leaving Zoey and Logan trying to cover their somewhat naked bodies very quickly. 

"Lola, I found her." He yells and closes the door after he notices them naked. 

"Can't people knock anymore?" Logan yells as he stands up grabbing his clothes. 

Zoey grabs her stuff,  puts on Logan's PCA sweater on and her shorts on. She sits down and puts her shirt in her bag and grabs her phone. Logan walks to the door and opens it to see Michael and Lola standing there. 

"So, are you going to tell us what you two where doing?" Lola stands there pissed. 
"Nothing, just studying." Zoey looks at Lola
"Yeah, each other's body's." Michael says sarcastically. 
"I called you 25 times. Quinn and Chase wants to video chat all of us tonight." Lola says angry. 
"Yeah, sorry but no thanks." Zoey and Logan say to Michael and Lola as they both leave the room. 

Michael looks at them leaving the room. "They are clearly still mad at them." 
"You think." Lola punches Michael's arm. 

  Zoey and Logan walk out of the building and sit down on a bench. 
  "Do you think they know about us?" Zoey says to Logan.
" Who?" Logan asks 
"Chase and Quinn. Duh." Zoey looks at Logan 
"Probably not." Logan grabs Zoey's hand secretly  as Mark walks by. 
Mark walks up to Zoey and Logan and looks at them sitting together. 
"Hey Mark." Zoey smiles and moves away from Logan. 
"Hey Zoey, have you talked to Quinn yet." Zoey looks at Mark. 
"No, why?" She looks at Mark and then Logan nervously. 
"Her and Chase knows about you two dating and they are very mad at you." Mark replies. 
"Dating, who told her that?" Logan looks at Mark nervously. 
"Her and Chase seen you two walking drunkenly into Lola's and Zoey's room making out." Mark looks at a nervous Logan. 
"Well, it's her and Chase's fault for breaking up with us, Zoey is the only one who understands my pain, because she feels the same way I do." Logan stands up on the bench and yells. "I AM IN LOVE WITH ZOEY BROOKS!" 
Zoey and Mark looks at Logan, "Yeah, send it to Quinn and Chase, because I've been in love with her since the start of grade 8. Zoey Brooks, would you like to be my girlfriend?" Logan steps off the bench and kneels down in front of her holding a key to his and Michaels room. Zoey looks down at him and smiles big, "Yes, Logan I would love to be your girlfriend." She smiles big and kisses him. Mark looks at them and sighs. 
"I guess, I will let them know that it's true." Mark walks away from Zoey and Logan kissing. 

 Logan and Zoey pull away from each other and looks into each others eyes. "I love you, Zoey and I mean." Zoey smiles and blushes, "I know and I love you too." As they stand there looking into each other's eyes all they could feel on their lips was each other's hot breath making them want to go back to Zoey's room to have some little fun. 
"Hey, do you want come back to my room?" Zoey asks. 
Logan smiles and grabs his and Zoey's bag. 
"Yes, I do." He hands her, her bag. 
Michael,  Lisa, Vince and Lola run up to them. 
"There you two are." Lola says. 
"We need to talk to you." Michael looks at them. 
"Why?" Logan and Zoey say to them. 
"Mark, told us that you two are officially together now." Lola smiles. 
"Yes and I don't want Quinn and Chase to know, just yet. So when you talk to them keep us out of your mouth's." Logan grabs Zoey's hand lightly. 
"I think we should tell them." Zoey looks at Logan. "They need to know because they are our ex's but you are still friends with Chase and I am still friends with Quinn." 
"Yeah, so?" Logan looks at Zoey. 
"They seen us making out and now they are questioning if we are dating. Doesn't that mean we owe them the truth about us?" Zoey gives Logan the sad puppy dog eyes. 
Logan sighs, "Fine, we will tell them." 
Zoey smiles, "We will tell them tonight." 

*I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I am starting to get better at writing.  Please comment down below on how I can make them sound better and interesting. 

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