Going to Santa Barbara

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    It was 3 weeks later and it was the day of Zoey and Logan to go on their vacation, Zoey still doesn't know where they are going but all she knew was to pack for the week, so she packed for the week.  Zoey waited for Logan by the courtyard, she stood there playing her favorite song by Trey Songz: Say Ahh, Logan comes up to Zoey and wraps his arms around her and pulls the ear bud out of her ear. 

 "Hey beautiful. Are you ready to go?" He smiles and kisses her cheek. 
 "Hey handsome, yes I am ready to go. Are you?" She smiles and looks at him. 
 "Yes, we should get going so we can beat the traffic." He grabs her suitcase.
 "Wait, where's your stuff?" She grabs her backpack, sweater and blanket. 
 "Already in my car." He looks at Zoey and grabs her hand.
 "You got a car?" She asks and begins to walk with Logan
 "Yeah, my dad bought it for me." He smiles at her and looks into her eyes, as he was looking into her eyes he felt safe and secure with her. This was a feeling he never felt with Quinn but wanted keep this feeling with Zoey for as long as he can. 
 "Nice." She looks at Logan and felt the same feeling that Logan. 

They walk to his new car that Malcolm Reese bought Logan and put Zoey's stuff in the car. 
 "So exactly why did your dad buy you the car?" Zoey gets in his car. 
 "He wanted me to come home more on the weekends, so he bought me a car." He closes the trunk and walks to the diver side to get in. 
 "Aww. That's sweet of him." She looks at Logan. 
 "Yeah, yeah. Anyways are you ready to go to Santa Barbara? He turns the car on. 
"YES!!!" She looks at Logan excitedly 

Logan drives out of the parking lot and stops at the gas station to get gas for his car, he hands Zoey his credit card for her to go buy them snacks and pay for the gas. Zoey walks into the gas station and grabs 2 bags of chips, 2 bottles of water, 2 cans of pop and 2 chocolate bars, she walks up to the counter to pay for them and the gas. She pays for everything and leaves. She walks up to Logan and hands him his card and puts the items in the car. 
 "I was wondering, would you like to play would you rather or just talk to get to know each other?" She looks at him and then wraps her arms around his neck. 
 "We can do both." He wraps his arms around her waist and leans into kiss her. 
Zoey and Logan kiss each other. 
"Okay." She smiles as they let go of each other and gets in the car. 

 Logan turns on the car and begins to drive to Santa Barbara. 
"When did you start to fall in love with me?" Zoey grabs Logan's hand gently. 
"When I first met you, I started to develop feelings for you and I knew right then and there you were the girl of my dreams but I couldn't do anything because Chase was in love with you." Logan replies. 
"Awe, really? So is that why you dated all those girls to make me jealous?" Zoey start to blush.
"Yes, it was. But dating Quinn was different, I really liked her but she wasn't you and when summer came along all I could think about was you but when she told me she was going to Canada with Chase and he broke up with you, I was excited because I was hoping we could date and that's how we broke up." He smiles
"Wow." She smiles.  "So is that why you acted like a jerk to me?" 
"Yes, but I am not really a jerk. I am honestly a very nice person but I don't like to show it because if I do people will think of me differently." Logan grabs Zoey's hand. 
"Logan, I like this side of you, but let's make a deal. You can still be a jerk to people, but try to hold back on the jerkiness around me and our friends." She looks at him. 
"I can do that, but I'll need your help with that." Logan smiles and looks at the road. 
 "Alright, let's make up a code word for when you are being a abnosish jerk." Zoey kisses Logan's hand. 
"I was thinking mocha or Blix?" She smiles
Logan laughs, "Really Brooks?" 
"Yes, so which word?" She laughs. 
"Mocha." He smiles. 

Four hours later of driving they arrive to Santa Barbara and arrive to Logan's dad's beach house. Zoey and Logan get out of the car. 
 "OMG, we are staying here?" She looks at Logan with a smile. 
 "Yup, just you and I and nobody else." He grins. 
 "Really?" She smirks "I'll race you." She laughs
 "Yes and your on." Logan begins to run. 
 Zoey and Logan run to the door, Logan unlocks it. 
 "I know it's late and everything but I was thinking we order in and watch a movie, because tomorrow I got something special planned for us." He kisses Zoey and then walks in. 
 "Sure. I would like that." She smiles. 

 Later that night, Logan and Zoey order food and watch Fast 5 in his room until they fell asleep. 

(I know this all over the place, but I was currently experiencing lack of ideas for this chapter. Please don't hate me. I hope you enjoyed it.) 

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