2- Lies

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The question came out of my mind without my acknowledgement, I swear this much. Kellin and I were just talking about where we live- when I opened my mouth bigger than it should go.

"Do you live in the woods?" I asked, not realizing I had said something that offensive until his eyes widened. To my surprise, he didn't slap me. He didn't even try to walk away.

"No, you weirdo. I live in a house." He laughed. That's something about Kellin, it takes a lot for him to get hurt or offended. He takes everything so lightly.

Or at least pretends to.

That's what's scary. He's so closed up, but pretends to be so open. Of course, he won't talk to you unless you talk to him first (which apparently no one has bothered to but me), but after that he seems like he would be one of the most popular people around.

He just seems like he has so much potential for a closed mouth.

I wonder what people knew about him that I don't know. Something that would prevent the urge to talk to him. Anything. I've never been one to pay attention to rumors passing around or any drama, so maybe I'm just out of the loop as to why this kid is so original.

So that night, Britney and I were sitting on Matty's bed, conversing about her next hair color when I finally decided to bring him up.

"What's so strange about Kellin?" I finally asked. Her eyes flashed up to mine in a quick motion before landing back on her folded hands.

"You don't know, do you?" She asked. I shook my head. A long sigh escaped her painted pink lips.

"They say he murdered his best friend in 8th grade. After that, he stopped talking to people. His mom and dad both died in a murder-suicide in 9th grade. He was at the top of the stairs watching the entire thing." Britney explained. A chill went through my spine.

"Yeah right. How do you know he killed his friend? Kellin wouldn't hurt a fly." I defended, crossing my arms as she prepared another lie.

"Because the murder weapon was in his hands. Do you seriously not watch the news?!" I shook my head. The news stresses me out.

"Then why isn't he locked up?" I asked.

"Lack of evidence." She shrugged. "Why are you all of the sudden so interested in him? Vicky have a crush?" She joked. Britney was the only one who kind of knew that I liked guys and she likes to joke about it.

"No! He just seems like a nice kid, is all." She shook her head.

"Not nice. I'd keep my distance, Victor. You never know if you're hitting off more than you can chew." She said. I ignored her comment because I HAD to know who Kellin Quinn was.

Because he doesn't seem like a murder.

But he also doesn't seem like a normal human being.

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