5- Pills

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I woke up with something red covering my face. As I turned around, I noticed the object blocking my view was Kellin's covers. My lips lifted into a small smile against the fabric as I pushed it away from me. The first thing I saw when everything came into sight was pills scattering the bed.

My heart dropped as I realized Kellin wasn't right beside me. My feet slung to the other side of the bed, landing in a puddle of blood.

"Kellin? Oh my god." I cried out as I saw a slumped white figure leaning against the doorway. "Kellin, wake up!! Wake the fuck up!!" I yelled, shaking his limp body until it fell from its previous sitting position.

"No Vic, you wake up." Kellin said, smiling on the floor.


My eyes shot open to see the world rushing around me. My bones clamped on the floor, resulting in a loud smack sounding around the room.

"Vic?! What the fuck!!?" Kellin yelled, rushing beside me.

"Whats going on?" I asked, trying to while the sweat off of my forehead but my arms refused to move by my command. Honestly, it felt like I was paralyzed.

"You turned on the stove in your sleep and were about to touch the flames!! Is this normal for you?!" He yelled, shaking me. My fingers started tingling until I finally had control over them again. The tingling feeling continued up my entire arm until I felt myself getting control of everything again.

"I-It's not normal at all. I don't know what happened." I said honestly, sitting up. His hands guided me even though I could move perfectly fine on my own.

The lights started flickering in the kitchen, causing me to rush into Kellin's arms.

"Vic! What is it? What are you scared of?" He was yelling now, trying to break through this layer of world I had surrounding me. My eyes were going in and out of focus like a camera lens and all I could really make out was the fire coming from the stove above me. How the flames licked at my fingers before I woke up.

"There's something going on. There's something going on outside. I need to be outside." I told Kellin.

"It's pouring down rain outside, what could you possibly fucking want out there?" He asked. It seemed like he was getting frustrated at me by now, and I was too. My mind was flickering back and forth from different images that I have never seen before, and my mouth vocalized things that were being put into my head by another source. All in all, I can't feel myself being me. If that makes any sense at all.

"Vic, wake up." Kellin said again.

But it wasn't Kellin. It was Mike. He was shaking the bed very forcefully trying to wake me up.

"Vic, you've been shaking in your bed for the past hour. After school, you didn't even talk to anyone, you just went to bed. What's going on?" He asked.

"What do you mean I didn't talk? I went to Kellin's. I stayed the night there.." I tried to convince him. Everything was out of whack right now.

"No you didn't. You were in your bed since after school and now it's morning. Oh yeah, you missed first period because you were too busy freaking the fuck out." Mike said.

None of it was real... I'm going insane.

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