Chapter 1

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Me: The photo above is what there both going to look like in the AU.

Denki: Bakugo were back! We have a surprise!

Bakugo: Hm?

Kirishima: Come look!

Me: They put a medium crate down on the floor and open the crate to see a beautiful male green fluffy medium dog!

Kirishima: Bakubro this is Deku!

Bakugo: WTF IS THAT?!?!

Me: But to Kirishima and Denki it sounded like this * BARK BARK GROWL *

Deku: * whimpers *

Denki: Its ok he's like that all the time!

Deku: Hm?

Kirishima: Hey Bakubro you need to be nice to him he was at the shelter were the popo takes you and locks you up in a cage..

Bakugo:  * Growls *

Kirishima: I know you hate that place And so does Deku he's been there so give him a chance! Please?

Bakugo: Fine I'll give the little shit a chance!

Kirishima: I hope you understand me about what I'm telling you.


Kirishima: Me and Denki will be back soon! Don't misbehave!

Denki: And be nice! Bye!

Me: They then leave then Deku and Bakugo were left in the house alone.

Bakugo: Ok listen up little shit!

Deku: Hey... you should try to be a little more nice!


Deku: Ok.. * whimpers *

Bakugo: There will be some rules that you need to follow!

Deku: What are the rules..

Bakugo: 1: Don't piss me off! 2: Don't disturb me when I'm sleeping 3: Don't touch me 4: Dont touch my valuables!

Deku: Got it..

Bakugo: If you don't follow the rules! Heh..... there will be consciousness.

Deku: Yes sir...

Bakugo: Now go fuck off!

Me: A few hours later. Deku was on the couch about to go to sleep until Bakugo got on the couch.

Deku: I'll move..

Bakugo: Good!

Me: A few minutes later Deku fell asleep.

Bakugo: Hm! He's cute when he's sleeping... wait what the hell am I thinking?! Shit! I got a boner now fuck! He looks fluffy hm like a stuffed animal.... I guess I can spoon him to help me..

Me: And that's what he did he spooned but Deku woke up.

Deku: Huh? What's poking me? WHAT I'M SO SORRY I'LL LEAVE!!

Bakugo: Your not going anywhere till pay the consciousness!

Deku: I didn't mean to brake a rule!!

Bakugo: But you did now stay still!

Deku: O-ok...

Me: Bakugo made his way to Deku and went behind him.

Deku: What are going to do...

Bakugo: I'm already doing something.

Deku: What are you doing?

Bakugo: ..... Humping you.....

Deku: WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!

Bakugo: Chill out! It's not like I'm stealing your virginity!

Me: Then Denki and Kirishima come through the door to see.... Bakugo humping Deku... Then they all look at one another.

Denki: Uh.... I'm not going to guess what happened here...

Bakugo: Ah shit!

Deku: * trying to hide his face *

Kirishima: Babe let's just go upstairs...

Deku: C-can you stop now?

Bakugo: Fine... I'm gonna go to my bed stay on the couch!

Deku: O-oh! Ok!

Bakugo: Hmp! Tbh your cute but you won't make me fall for your tricks!

Deku: What? WAIT A MINUTE WHAT?! ( realising he had been called cute )

Me: Everyone in the house was asleep except Deku.

Deku: C-cold!

Me: He then walks over to Bakugo.

Deku: Hey K-kacchan can I sleep with y-you?

Bakugo: Sure nerd! Come on!

Me: Deku snuggles in Bakugos chest.

Deku: Thanks k-kacchan...

Bakugo: Your welcome... ( I watched Moana today and I wrote this with the song Your Welcome from Moana in my the head whole time  )

《 Time skip to when it's morning 》

bakudeku Pet AU ( Every single story I make is mpreg so this is mpreg )Where stories live. Discover now