Chapter 7

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Denki: I'll have to ask Kiri about that....

Uraraka: Ok then I'll give guys.....48 hours to make your decision!

Denki: That should be enough time! But what about Deku his heat will go away..

Uraraka: Omega heats last for about a week so...

Denki: WHAT!?

Uraraka: Yeah...

Denki: That's some many days of never ending pain...

Uraraka: Yeah omegas have it tough.

Denki: No kidding....

Uraraka: Do you want us to keep him or do you want to take him home?

Denki: What do you think is best?

Uraraka: Hmmm........Do you guys have a extra room to put him in?

Denki: Yes?

Uraraka: Ok then it's settled! But if you guys don't want puppies...


Uraraka: Uh Denki? Where did you go?

Me: Denki was no where to be found in the little doctor room but that's when Uraraka saw something in the corner.

Uraraka: AHHHH!!!

Denki: AHHHHH!!!

Me: They both yelled terrified and Uraraka tripped and fell on the floor.

Uraraka: Denki why were in the corner hiding?!

Denki: You scared me!!...

Uraraka: How?

Denki: That tone in your voice that makes you sound like a demon fresh from the pits of fire!

Uraraka: Oh sorry.... Anyways you should get going!

Denki: Oh! Yeah!

Me: Denki gently put Deku in his crate without hurting him and walk out but stopped at the doorway.

Denki: Thanks Uraraka!

Uraraka: Your welcome! Now leave my lesbian ass alone!

Denki: Yes ma'am!

Me: Denki left the doorway and closed the door behind him. He walked out through the waiting room outside to his ( whatever car brand ) opened the trunk and put Deku in it. Then he drove home to Kiri and Bakugo but to find a surprise.

《 With Bakugo 》



Aizawa: * Yawn *


Present Mic: Hello neighbor!

Bakugo: Wait.... aren't you supposed to be on the other side of the fence?!

Aizawa: Yeah but our owner thinks it's best for us to have " better owners " that can " take better care of us "....

Present Mic: Yup!

Aizawa: Just wait till they attack you Mic...

Eri: Excuse me but what are you doing mister? ( eXcUsE mE )

Shinso: Eri you shouldn't be up here.

Bakugo: Oh so these are the kittens you talking about!

Aizawa: Yup there really problematic..... What are you doing anyways?

Bakugo: I'm going to find Deku but I first need to break out of here!


Aizawa: Hmm..... I might be able to help you....

Bakugo: hm? Spill.

Aizawa: Long ago when I was a kitten some dogs that where playing on your backyard bumped a piece of wood and it's been loose ever since.

Bakugo: Well where's it at!?

Aizawa: I don't remember I was a kitten.

Bakugo: Well then why would you tell me about!?

Aizawa: I thought it might help.

Bakugo: UGHHHHH!!!!!!

Aizawa: Good luck mut!

Me: Then after that the kitten squad left then Bakugo finally found the loose board but the board was small. Only small animals could probably fit through so that's when he thought that he should make a hole under the board. It took some time but he got done and then he was off into the real world...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2020 ⏰

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