Chapter 1 {Introducing Acorn Ruby}

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I'm in a forest where I can hear lots of birds and animals moving freely. The sky is a beautiful blue and its a cloudy day outside. I can also hear vioces in the background, I open my eyes and I see a guy with snowy white hair looking down at me. "C'mon Acorn... You can't sleep in the grass..."

"I wasn't sleeping Itachi... I was resting my eyes and you know that.." I said sitting up.

"Sweetheart I know you were about to sleep..." Itachi leaned on a tree nearby.

"AH hell NaH" I got up fast and kicked him in the shin.

"AH! What the hell Acorn?!" Itachi backed off.

"Your such a werido..." I said rolling my eyes.

"Ya ya... You say that every day Acorn... and thats why I love you..." Itachi kissed my forehead and started to walk.

"h-hey!! Eh?!?! Wait for me Itachi!" I blushed and started to run after him.

"Then hurry up slow poke..." Itachi turned around to look at me and then everything went black around me.

"Itachi?!?" I start to panic trying to figure out what just happened.

No one responded. I started to run again to find out where I am and well nothing happened. It was like I was in a endless void and kept going in circles. Well I walked around for a couple minutes and yelled a lot of times. But suddenly I started to fall then I landed infront of a house in the middle of tall forest. It was a sunny and breeze day out. I get up and look around. "This looks familiar..."

I walked up to the house and I appeared in the living room suddenly. Theres a lot of pictures on the walls and some above the fireplace. I walk over to a picture, I see a picture of me and go wide eyed. "Is this a dream...?"

I look over at a window and suddenly it went to a sunny day with a cold breeze to dark and gloomy outside. I take a step towards the hallway and a shatter then a scream. For a moment I didn't want to move but then all I see is blood coming from the ceiling and the floor. "What the?" I try to go to the door but I was stuck.

The blood was like a glue and I couldn't get out. "Itachi!! Help!!" I yell and struggled to get out of house that was filling with blood quite fast.

"Anyone!!!" I kept yelling and yelling but no one came to help me.

As the blood starts to go over my head I'm falling again in the darkness. I closed my eyes tightly. "This is just a dream!! Wake up Acorn!" I slap both my cheeks with my hands.

"Acorn sweetheart why are you slapping yourself...?" A hand goes on my head softly.

I open my eyes and I see my mother looking worried. "M-mama...?"

"C'mon sweetheart.. Its time for bed..." My mother kissed my head and picked up the little me.

"ok mama...?" I look around as my mother walked to a room and i'm in the house again.

I realize its dark outside and gloomy like before. I go wide eyed and thought, "Just like before.. Wait the scream..."

"M-mama.... I don't want to go to bed.. what if a monster comes and gets me when I'm sleeping..?" I said hugging my mother tightly.

"Then I'll protect you my little Acorn..." My mother smiled softly and sets me on a bed that has a couple of animal plushies, a big blanket that has a butterfly on it.

"Ok... But can you stay here..." I say as my mother tucks me in.

"I have things to do before I go to bed..." My mother kissed my head again and puts a animal plushie next to me. "I'll see you in the morning..."

"But mama..." I sit up and my mother walks out of the room with the door cracked open.

"M-mama?" I get out of bed with a bit of struggle.

I get to the door and I hear whisper yelling then a shatter of glass and then a scream. Then I appear infront of my mother on the ground with a blood pile growing fast. "Mom!!!" I reach for my mother and well I appear at the beginning.

Where I'm running after Itachi to wait for me. All I see is a smile on his face. I start to cry. "I-Itachi..."

"Yes Acorn..?" Itachi smiles more at me.

"Eh... Its nothing forget about it..." I smile as I reach for his hand.

Once again everything goes black and I see Itachi fade away infront of me. "Itachi?!"

No one responded. "What the hell?!?" I yell loudly at nothing but darkness.

Tears form in my eyes and go down my face fast. I start to fall down a empty black void again. But this time I see blood drip down with me, I also kept hearing my mother saying its time for bed. I saw Itachi disppear in front of my eyes again. All the things I saw keep repeating as memories as I fall. After a moment my body slams onto the ground and I sit up fast.

I look around and I'm in a cave with a lot of bones. My clothes are ripped and dirty. "Was that a dream?" I rub my eyes and I'm still in the cave.

"I guess it wasn't real.... huh..."

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