Chapter 2 {Introducing Acorn Ruby part 2}

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For some reason I couldn't figure out what exactly happened in the nightmare after I woke up. I remember only two things from my dream. Like the smell of blood and a mans smile that won't leave my eyes. I felt warmth from that smile, I don't know why but it made me feel better after that nightmare. I closed my eyes and layed back to see if I could go back to sleep but well I'm wide awake. I sit up again and looked around the cave, its really dark. I get up and quietly walk outside of the cave. The moon is out and well its in the middle of the night. I sigh and start to walk into the forest that looks beautiful at night when the moon shines on to it. Fire flys are out and flying around like no care in the world. I can also hear animals moving around in the trees and on the ground. Its very calming and sweet to the ear. As I walked more into the forest I stumbled apon a open field with the moon shine shining onto it. Its kinda like a fairytail from a book or even a happy ending from a childrens book. I walk out to this open field and look around. It was a beautiful cite and something you don't see everyday. I smile slightly and sit down in the middle of the open field. I relax and well I lay there for about a couple hours. I fell asleep after a that couple of hours just laying down.

I suddenly wake up to someone dragging me through the forest. I open my eyes and I see my dad, he looks pissed. "D-dad?"

"What the hell were you out of the cave for?!" He stopped dragging me and faced me.

"I-I.... Was just going for a walk because I couldn't fall back asleep.... Then I fell asleep out in that field..." I get up fast preparing to get yelled at again or even slapped.

"Do you know if anyone found you they would kill you!! Your the last human fox in this entire area!" He yells at me.

"I-I'm sorry......" I look at the ground.

"I can't believe that your my daughter... I wish your mother never had you..." He grabs my wrist and starts to pulling me like I'm a rag doll.

I stayed quiet and followed him. Even though I didn't want too. I guess my dad is right my mother shouldn't have gave birth to me. I'm just a mistake and a disappointment to him. I never know my family, I don't remember my mother. Once I asked my dad where is my mother and well he slapped me. He said I couldn't ask about my mother but I want to know what happened to her. All I know is that I look like her, I'm like a spliting image of her. I wanted to know where my mother was so I promised myself that I would get out of this damn cave and away from my dad.

When we get back to the cave he throws me onto the ground and walks off. I get up and well my elbow started to bleed. I sigh and let the blood run down my arm. To be honest I'm used to him treating me like I'm nothing. All I can remember is my dad being a dick head my entire life. I don't think I seen him smile or even happy once. Its quite sad to imagine that but if thats how he wants to treat his own daughter then well I guess thats just my life.

For the rest of the day I sat in that damn cave doing nothing but cleaning the cave of the bones that were everywhere. I don't know what kinda of bones but they keep pilling up. I hope its not human bones if it was I would know because I don't see any skulls of human heads. So thats a good sign I guess. I cleaned the ground of those bones like everyday. I never get to go outside and see if I can make a friend but my dad said I would be killed because I'm the last human fox in the entire area. So I never had a friend or even seen another person in years... I just hope I can be saved from this cave or at least figure out a plan to escape from this hell of a cave.

I figured that if I run off in the middle of the night again I would be okay to escape. But sadly my father was always in the cave now of days. So I guess I'll have to wait for someone to come and save me.

Hopefully someone does...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2022 ⏰

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