Chapter 1

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"Yes I'm coming, calm down" he says as he is running across the hall, out the door to get into the car. He finally gets in and he just has to drop tomato sauce over my car seat because he was eating a sausage roll.

"Really?" I say looking at him in disbelief

"Yeah really" he says passing me his sausage roll so he can put his seatbelt on so I take a bite.

"Really?" He says as I pass his sausage roll back to him

"Yeah really" I said laughing as I turned into the lane. I was driving along and I pulled into the rescue station house and parked my car.

I walk in side and I feel hands around my waist and I turn around and he smashes his lips on mine.

"Oh get a room guys" Vince says and we break away.

"So it's official?" Says Heidi. That got everyone's attention

"Yes it is" I said looking at him

"OMG WASNT LAST WEEK THE BEST?" My friend Jenna screams at my face

"Yeah it was" I smiled and looked in his direction and he smiled back at me.


"Have you been to the pub lately?" I said certain she has

"Come and find out" she smirked and started running down the stairs. So I started chasing after her

"Jenna this isn't funny" I said catching up to her. She runs outside the garage and dean pulls up into the driveway just about to hit Jenna and I pull Jenna out of the way and I feel something stab my side just as dean puts his foot on the brake and the car screeches into the driveway.

"OMG DID WE HIT HER DEAN?" Lara says running to us. I am sitting on the ground holding Jenna in my arms because she is shocked.

"She's alright guys, just shocked" I said as everyone else was running to us.


*Sleepover at my house*

"OMG this movie is so sad" Jenna said to me as she was laying on my shoulder while watching Titanic.

"I don't think I can watch this part" I said covering my eyes

"Me niether" she said hugging into me

Chase Jumped over the couch "Oh come on guys this movie is so... So... So... So sad" Chase said and he started to cry so I reached over to him and hugged him.

"Aww is Chasie a bit sad?" Jenna laughed and soon the movie was over and it was time for bed. I woke up to the sound of vomiting in the toilet

"Haha too much beer bro?" I said standing outside the bathroom door

"I think so" he replied weakly

The next morning I woke up and I put some bacon and eggs into the frying pan and put some toast in the toaster.

"Ahh food, just what I need" Chase said while scratching his head

"Chase, you had a full box of pizza last night and like 10 beers and you vomited half of it up last night" I said

"I know that's why I want your delicious food"

"My food is delicious?"

"Pfft no, I just want the bacon" he said grabbing his breakfast

"Of course you do" i said

*That Night*

"Thanks for letting me stay" Jenna said

"All good" Chase shouted across the room

"It's alright" I smiled and hugged her and watched her go to her car and drive off

"I'm going to get some beer" Chase said while going out the door to his car

A couple of hours later I heard a knock on the door so I hopped up and opened it. It was Jordan.

"Hey, is Chase here? He said

"Hey, no he isn't, he went to get some beers. come in" I said

"Ok I wanted to......" He trailed off

"Jordan are you ok?" I said staring into his eyes

"Umm yeah just came here to give Chase these magazines that he wants to read"

"Oh thanks, put them on the bench over there" I said pointing to the bench

"can I stay until he gets back, I need to talk to him" He said

"Yeah sure" I said sitting on the couch next to him. I looked over at him and he stared into my eyes and before I know it he smashed his lips on mine.

We started walking to my room and never let go of each other. We were kissing passionately and I whipped his shirt off and he did the same to me. He took everything else off me and I did the same to him. Then I hear the door close.

"Caitlyn are you serious? I go out for 15 minutes and your already smashing a dude" he said laughing

"Haha very funny" I said laughing

"So who is this dude?" He said as he opened my bedroom door to see Jordan laying next to me

"OMG I KNEW IT WOULD HAPPEN!!" he screamed and ran up to his room like a little girl who just got a new dolly

(Skip to work)

"So it's official?" Says Heidi that got everyone's attention.

"Yes it is" I said and looked at Jordan smiling

"OMG WASNT LAST WEEK THE BEST?" My friend Jenna screams at my face

"Yeah it was" I smiled and looked in his direction and he smiled back at me.


"Have you been to the pub lately?" I said certain she has

"Come and find out" she smirked and started running down the stairs. So I started chasing after her

"Jenna this isn't funny" I said catching up to her. She runs outside the garage and dean pulls up into the driveway just about to hit Jenna. I push Jenna out of the way just as dean puts his foot on the brake Some part of the car stabs my side and the car screeches into the driveway.

"OMG DID WE HIT HER DEAN?" Lara says running to us. I am laying on the ground holding Jenna in my arms and I am in lots of pain. Jenna rolled out of my arms and started to cry.

"It's all my fault, I am so sorry" she said to me while controlling her sobs

"OMG are you guys alright" Jordan said crouching over us and taking Jenna off the ground and holding her in his arms.

"Caitlyn your bleeding" Chase said as I looked down and saw the blood flowing from my side.

Rescue Special Ops A Gallagher And A Zwitkowski SisterWhere stories live. Discover now