Chapter 2

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I started to scream in pain because something was in my side and I was panicking. Chase picked me up and took me upstairs and put me into a chair. He got a medical bag and Dean was panicking because he was driving. Chase cutted the side of my shirt and put pressure on it. Jordan came over and grabbed my hand and I squeezed it so hard you would think his circulation would cut off.

"Caitlyn stay with me, stay with me" Chase said

"I'm trying" i said weakly

"Okay, I am going to pull this thing out of your side ok? It's only a little piece of metal" he said as he got the tweezers ready. By the time I knew it the metal was out and he was bandaging my side up.

"It's all done now sis" chase said hugging me

'A few days later'

Jenna's POV

I walked into the pub and sat down at the table and ordered a beer. This dude came and sat next to me and i introduced myself to him and he did the same to me. He offered to buy me a drink and we got into a deep conversation. I see Chase across the room and i shout out to him.

"Hey Chasie boy, what are you doing here" i said dozing off

"The same as you Jenny" Chase said sounding drunk as a skunk. "Im going to get a taxi home with Kate, you can come if you want to" 

"Sure, do you want to come along to Dylan?" i said dragging him into the car

"Of course" he said smiling at me

We all got into the taxi and we were going to Chase's house. Finally we got there and Chase paid the taxi driver and he unlocked the doors but dropped his keys and before he could get the keys into the door Caitlyn opened the door for us and was staring at us in disbelief. 

"What are you guys doing?" Caitlyn said

"Coming home from the pub"  Chase said being a smart ass

Caitlyn's POV

Chase walked into the house and went over to the stereo and turned it up full volume and pulled Kate towards him and started to dance. I walked over to the stereo and turned it off and Chase collapsed into my arms and i went and put him into his bed. I came back out and i got Kate's number for him and when i turned around this dude was laying down on my couch and he looked comfy too. I walked into my bedroom to find Jenna passed out on my bed. I rolled her over so i could get some sleep too.

I woke up by the sound of my alarm going off and i got 2 buckets of dirty water and i splashed one on Jenna and she woke up screaming.

"Morning sweet thang, looks like you have had your shower" i said looking at Jenna's dripping wet face

"Haha very funny" she said pissed and walking into the bathroom

'1 down 1 to go' i thought while walking into Chase's room and i splash the other bucket ontop of him an he shot right up 

"Dickhead" he said shaking his head to get the water off

"Morning princess" i said walking into the kitchen and started making toast and as i turned around i saw this dude standing there so i grabbed a frying pan and whacked him around the shoulder with it and he fell to the floor in pain. 

"Who are you?" i said holding the frying pan in the air

"Dylan O'Brien, i am the one Jenna brought home last night"

"OMG I'm so sorry" i said helping him up and getting an ice pack to put on his shoulder.

"Have some break fest" i said putting a plate of toast in front of him

"I'm not hungry but thanks anyway" he said pushing the plate back to me

"i insist" i said pushing it back to him.

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