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Houston Freshman University


Today we are at school. Well college. Yeah I go to school. I'm in Journalism right now. Its kinda quiet without any of my friends in here...especially Rayan. But he's still mad at me from what happened yesterday. We haven't spoke this morning.

"Hey Jacclyn." A familiar voice said. It was BITCH!

"Oh...Hi." I responded.

"Why you so down?" She asked.

"I'm not. Now leave." I said. Instead she just sat next to me. "Why are you sitting with me?"

"Becuz we're friends."

"I'm not your damn friend." I said with an attitude.

"Well look...I know you don't like me and all but I like your friend Rayan and--"

"Hol' up." I interrupted. "You talk about my friend behind his back everyday.... Why u like him?" I asked.

"Well....I only mess with him to get his attention. I know its wrong to talk about him but its just so weird how he acts. But I wanna let u know I like him so we won't have a problem." She explained.

"Zonnique, I still don't like you talking about him like that. And I still don't like you so go."

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