Chapter 11

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I parked outside Jackie's place and she finally arrived.
I stomped out my cigarette and walked over to her.
"Hey, I got a problem" I said
"What's wrong?" She asked, pleased that I came to her.
"Casper came to me and told me I'm gonna die," I said and pulled the sword out "and a not so friendly headless horseman left me this" I said and her eyes widened.
"Oh. This isn't good" she said
"I noticed this when my powers stopped working" I said and held up a hand.
A flame flickered faintly and then died.
"This has never happened" she said and invited me inside.
I answered all her questions and she cast several spells.
"The huntsmen is hunting you" she said
"I noticed," I rolled my eyes "but how is he controlling my powers?" I asked
"I don't think he is" she said and I furrowed my eyebrows and she groaned, showing me the results to one of her tests.
"I don't get it" I said
"This right here, is what's blocking your powers," she said, pointing to a ring of gold surrounding my... female area.
"What?" I frowned
"You slept with an angel" she said
"Huh? No. He's only part angel" I said
"When certain angels, however distant, sleeps with a demon, however distant, their powers are paused" she explained
"Oh" I whispered and she nodded
"Your powers should come back soon. Give it a few hours" she said
"I'll see you later" I said and got in my car, driving home.
I walked in, steaming mad and glared at Owen.
"Uh oh" he said and ran for the door.
I jumped on his back, slower than normal.
"You fucking took my powers!" I yelled
"What?" He asked, confused.
"Look" I demanded and held up a tennis ball and threw it up, I tried to throw a lightning bolt and instead I was slammed up into the ceiling and then onto the floor.
"Ow" I groaned
"Oh my god! What happened?!" He exclaimed
"Fun fact. Demons and angels don't screw because when they do, their powers are fudged up!" I snapped
"But, we're both demon and angel" he said
"You have more of both, so it over powered my lineage and screwed with my magic! And at a really bad time!" I yelled
"What happened?" He asked and I glared at him.
"I was attacked by the headless horseman" I said and he paled
"What?" He breathed
"Okay! What am I missing?! Everyone else seems to know who this guy is" I said
"He's a curse that Lucifer set loose on a witch, but when the curse ended, he didn't go away. And now he's hunting witches" he said
"Why is everyone so scared of him?" I asked
"He's killed seven Masters" he said and my jaw dropped
"I'm screwed! I can't even access my powers and now I have a curse after me?!" I yelled
"I'm so sorry, I didn't know" he said and I groaned
"I understand. That's why I felt such a buzz afterwards, my powers were being swished around" I said
"How long does it last?" He asked
"She said it should go away soon" I said and suddenly my phone rang.
"I got it," Owen said and answers "hello"
"Who is it?" I asked
"Uh, hello, Jason" he said awkwardly
"Give me the phone," I demanded and he gave it to me "hello?"
"Who the hell was that?!" He yelled and I winced
"My roommate Owen. He was closer" I said
"Your moving out" he decided
"What?! You can't tell me what to do!" I yelled
"I can! Or do you want me to cut you off?!" He yelled
"Don't bother! We're through!," I yelled and hung up "that happened earlier than planed"
"Do you have any other sugar daddies?" He asked
"He was my boyfriend. I'm a lot of things, but I'm not a cheater. You don't count. You could have died" I said
"What about Mario?" He asked
"He's just a projection of my imagination" I said
"Let's watch Family Guy until your powers come back" he said
Is he bipolar or something? Whatever.
We were watching our third episode when my phone rang again.
"Hello" I said
"Sonya is missing" Sydney said
"Sonya? Who's that?" I asked
"She's a friend. She was taken by Warriors of Light" she said
"Sydney, back off" I warned
"I can't. Just do some tracking spell" she bugged
"I can't" I said
"Then I will" she said and hung up
"Sydney? Sydney?! Damn it!" I yelled, walking into my room and changed into leather pants that let me kick really high and a clingy shirt that let me move freely.
I pulled on my sneaky boots that didn't make a sound and dragged Owen with me out the door.
"Tori, your powers still aren't back" he said
"I don't care. She's going after the Warriors" I said and he paled.
"Oh no" he said and we got in my car.
We drove to the academy and I quickly climbed the gate, flipping over the top and landed on my feet, silently moving around the cameras and peeked into her window.
Shit. She's at Jackie's.
I jumped back down, duck and rolling and ran for the gate, doing a tight front flip, landing on the gate and pushed myself over the top as a light beamed on me and I twisted, flipping to my feet on the ground and got in the car, having Owen speed out of there.
"She's a Jackie's" I said and drove there and when I got out, I heard a horse.
I looked up as the headless horseman ran at me.
I squeaked and Jackie appeared and threw an amulet at it.
That means he's immune to her now. She's what protects Sydney.
I gave Owen a look as I ran forwards, kicking the amulet away and Sydney and Adrain ran out.
I snarled at the horse, my eyes turned blood red, all of it, whites and all.
It's eyes swerved to Sydney and it reared.
I growled and my nails extended to poisonous tips.
"Stay away from my sister" I said in a deep voice.
It came at me and I bent my knees and screeched.
The sound waves sent it flying and I leaped forwards, landing in front of it.
I slammed my fist down and ripped his horses heart out.
The guy swung at me and I caught his fist, forcing him to his knees and leant down, breathing black smoke into his face.
When I looked up, I realized they had seen all that and I felt my hair.
It was flaming red. Literally. The ends were on fire.
I took a deep breath and my hair turned back to its golden blonde, my nails returned to their chipped black nail polish and my eyes turned amber again.
"What," Sydney breathed "was that?"
"That was my demon" I said, wincing when she paled.
"Let's just save Sonya" Owen whispered to me and I nodded.
"This is Owen. He's gonna help find Sonya" I said
"I already cast the spell and know how to find her" Sydney says, not meetings my eyes.
"Right," I muttered and looked at Owen "would you go with them?" I asked and he looked at me worriedly
"Will you be okay. Don't listen to her, she doesn't know you like I do" he smiled softly at me and I nodded.
"I'll be fine. Lets go, we have a vampire to catch" I said and walked away, tossing him my keys.
"Don't you need your car?" He asked
"I think I need a walk" I said

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