#90: [Bonus Scene] The Best Gift

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It was nearing that time of the year again for humans. Although the Great Gods didn't celebrate human festivals, they needed an excuse to buy things. Hence, the following heated argument was taking place at Zeus' shrine.

Team Inconspicuous: Hades, Sedna, Gaia

Team Flamboyant: Zeus, Isis, Freya

Team Practical: Buddha, En

"I say we go for dresses," Isis insisted. They could have Truen trick Zero into a secret photo shoot. The last batch of photographs sold out and they made a neat profit from that.

"He needs clothing that will help him fit in with the different civilisations once he begins his travel. None of his current clothing is suitable for keeping a low profile." Hades disagreed much to his brother's displeasure.

"Hades, Zero will attract attention anywhere he goes. If he wore the same as commoners and travellers, he would be targeted by some lowlife and be taken advantage of. Better looking clothes will keep them at arm's length," the Sky God reasoned.

"How about we go for something that Zero can use and enjoy?" Buddha asked and Freya shot him a glare.

"Are you saying that he won't enjoy our gifts?"

"Calm down, Freya. Nobody said that. I'm sure we could just ask Zero what he wants for Christmas..."

"Rejected!" En yelled. He didn't want to let Zero know about their plans. It was meant to be a surprise and En was most confident in his gift.

Sedna raised an eyebrow. En was definitely up to something.

"How about this," Buddha proposed. The fight was getting them nowhere. "We prepare our gifts for Zero as a team. Then, we present it to Zero on Christmas. Depending on which gift Zero likes better, the other teams will have to cover the bills for the winning team. Deal?"

Everyone looked at Buddha with suspicion. Buddha hardly did bets but when he did, he always won. Then again, everyone was confident about their gifts.

"Deal!" Zeus declared and promptly walked out of the meeting, preparing to pay a visit to Grem in La Boutique.

On the other hand, Gaia helped Hades and her sister to prepare for a trip down to Earth.

"When do we start?" En asked Buddha.

The Sage God smiled serenely. "Patience. I'm going to have a talk with Merlin and Hua Tuo. Just be sure to update me about their movements."

King Yama grinned. A gift didn't have to be an object. Those Great Gods had a long way to go.


Grem Lee sneezed. Jen looked at the tailor worriedly. He'd been sneezing a lot since the morning and she feared that he might be under the weather.

The quiet morning ended when three of their shop's VVIPs stepped in through the front door. Startled at their arrival without a call in advance, Jen led them to the inner room and excused herself to get tea while Grem attended to them.

"Great Gods and Goddesses, how may I help you?"

"We're looking for a gift for Zero," Isis explained and Grem nodded. He remembered how they pampered that strange boy with a bottomless appetite. It was quite a handsome profit he earned back then and he looked forward to another business deal.

"How can I help?"

Freya explained about their desire to present Zero with clothes for Christmas and Grem raised a bushy brow. If they were talking about Christmas, children generally liked meeting the legendary Saint who gives presents.

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