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He licks his lips a bit nervously--if he were 15, he'd be blinking rapidly, but he'd overcome that habit. He'd learned to make himself seem serious despite his natural aloofness.

 "Impressive credentials," Jongin said, eyeing Taemin's resume. He, despite his working position, seemed to smile happily often, his eyes crinkling Taemin's way.

 A vibration inside of Jongin's leather bag made him set down Taemin's list of accomplishments, apologizing and saying that he 'needed to take this.' He pulled out a sleek black cell phone, plain and inexpensive. He frowned when he realized that the vibration wasn't coming from that phone, so he dug deeper, pulling out a personalized Samsung. Taemin's lips fell slack and he waited for Jongin's phone call to be done before he said,

 "You have the same phone case as me." For proof, he pulled his phone out of his back pocket and set it on the table, cracking a small smile.

 "Oh, wow, you're a dancer too?" Jongin seemed to forget professionalism for a moment, choosing instead to bear pieces of his personal life.

 "Yeah, going on eleven... Twelve years. I'm 22, so... Since I was twelve, I think?"

 Jongin smiled, leaning forward comfortably.

 "You're actually my Hyung, two years older than me."

 "But you're my sunbae, if I get this job, anyways.."

 Jongin smiled.

 "Oh, I've had to interview plenty of people, but you seem to be the most qualified. And, we've.. I think, anyways.. We've hit it off well. I'll recommend you to my boss."

 "Aren't you the manager, though?" Taemin asked curiously, his tone different now that he knew he was older.

 "Manager, not owner. I have to run the best candidates by my boss, but ultimately, he'll agree on whatever I choose."

 Taemin stood, bowing thankfully.

 "This is such a relief, I thought my degree was going to waste. Thank you, so much."

 Jongin stood also, shaking Taemin's hand.

 "I have to use the restroom, but if you just sit tight, when I get back we'll go through some paperwork and necessities you'll have to go through for the position."

 Taemin nodded, seating himself back into the cafe booth they'd decided to meet in. Jongin's phone started to buzz, and Taemin ignored it. But then it was vibrating all over the place, and Taemin slyly picked it up, looking at the screen.

 'BaekHyunnnnie: get back here ASAP, Onew & Suho are rampaging our offices because they're quote "filthy."'


 'Onew: Jongin, is the interview going well? We've been going through some of your offices, and we're pleased that yours is the only one sanitary enough to breathe in.'

 'Suho: you're our only useful employee.'

 Taemin wasn't easily entertained, but he thought it was nice that Jongin's friends thought immediately to warn him. He set the phone down, no harm done, and it continued to vibrate. He flipped their phones over onto their screens, comparing the covers to see which was more well kept. Jongin's was--Taemin had dropped his, resulting in a crack through the graffiti letter "E" in "DANCE."

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