Chapter 14

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-4 months later-

*Minhees POV*

It's early in the morning and Minseok has already gone to school....again for the like 120th day in a row. who knows but ever since the wedding day he's left me to make my own way. My head is pounding like hell and I feel sick to the stomach. I quickly rush to the toilet and vomit. I decide not to go school because well....I'm sick, I obviously don't want to go and vomit over everyone. I lay down on the bed for a bit and think about this whole marriage. this is something I've always ignored and tried to not admit....Minseok never really wanted to marry me....just thinking about it really makes my heart ache. He was so nice and I fell for him and I still like him....but maybe there's a different reason or something. I got to the bathroom to wash up my face. I accidentally knock over my little makeup/essentials bag and stuff falls out. I pick everything up and as im reaching for the last was a pregnancy test. I don't know what got over me but I decide to try it. I leave it on the bathroom sink and wait for the results. In that time I go to the closet and get dressed and then I went back to the bathroom. I picked up the pregnancy test and my eyes widen so much.
| | that's what I obviously indicated Im pregnant. Am I happy? Hell yeah I'm happy. I didn't even notice and I was smiling so much until my jaw started to hurt. I couldn't wait to tell Minseok so I quickly went to school not even caring about the fact I vomited earlier.

I find exo to ask them where Minseok is but as im about to approach them..

"What do you think is going to happen Minhee?" Baekhyun said. I hide so they don't see me.

"Minseok Hyung should just confess to her" Sehun added

Confess? I started to blush, my cheeks burning up.

"He should just go up to her and say that he wants a divorce and never really wanted to marry her, I mean, he did say that on the wedding day" Tao said

"Yeah but it's going to hurt her" Chanyeol told him.

My heart stopped. I was processing what they I was right....he never really wanted to marry me. My happiness faded away in those few minutes. I turn around and walk away.
I'm stupid to think he will confess that he likes me. After all why would he...
I got to the school garden for some air and thinking time...but really my day couldn't get any worse. I see Minseok and Tiffany, yes Tiffany, making out. My vision become a blur and I feel hot tears streaming down my face. I quickly run away before they see me. I hide behind the tree and cry. Maybe I'm not going to tell him I'm pregnant at going to give him what he wants...a divorce.


*Minseoks POV*

Me and Tiff have been dating behind Minhees back for a month. Yes I do feel bad but I have no feelings for Minhee. I love being with tiff and I'm glad we are back together.

"Oppa you need to divorce with her" tiff says

"I will...i am going to confront her tonight" I decided to build up all my courage and tell Minhee I wanted a divorce. I got the papers ready and I've already signed them. All I need is her signature. Hopefully she signs them.


*Minhees POV*

During the day I got the divorce papers ready. I signed my part he just needs to sign his. Looking at these papers really hurt because I really thought he would've gave this marriage a try. But who knows how long him and Tiff have been dating. I go to the kitchen bench and wait for Minseok. The front door opens and he walks in.

"Hey..."he says

"Hi..." flashbacks of him and tiff making out earlier today start in my head as soon as I saw him walk in. He walks over to where I am.

"We need to talk" I said

"Yeah we do" he answered.

He sits infront of me so we are facing each other at the kitchen bench. His hand places a yellow envelope exactly like the one I'm holding in my hand except he can't see it.

"Can we get a divorce?" He says

I hold back my tears and give him a response.

"I guess we were thinking alike"

"What?" He asked confused.

I pull out the divorce papers that I organised and place them next to his.


I sign his papers that he had already sign and give them to him.

"Well I guess our marriage is over.." I say


"Minhee truthfully...i never...." He says but I interrupt because I knew what he was going to say.

"Wanted to Marry me?" I finish his sentence

"How do you...."

I was going to tell him about how I was pregnant and I tried to find you but then I ears dropped on exo saying you didn't wanted to marry me and then I saw you making out with tiff but I decided to simply go by...

"I guessed" I said


"I'll move out" I forgot to mention me and Minseok bought our own house because our parents wanted space and wanted us to have our own house.

"No I will" he stands up.

"No, im going to, im sure you want a special someone living with you soon" I head towards the bedroom and pack.

"You know don't you..." he follows

"About you and tiff?" I say my back facing him and legit tears falling out.

"How did you find out....." he said

"I saw you guys making out today at the school garden"

After that sentence everything fell silent.

"It doesn't matter though, it's not like I have feelings for you, which I dont" I lie.

"Right......" he says

"Congrats on you two getting back together" I say


I pull my suitcases to the front door and as I'm about to walk out.

"I'm sorry Minhee....."

I leave not answering back, too hurt to respond.

*Minseoks POV*

"I'm sorry Minhee....." I say her back facing me. She steps out of the house saying nothing.

Even though I'm happy we're divorced I feel shit for some reason. I guess it's because she found out about me and Tiff...

I decide to just sleep on it and forget about everything. I go to the bathroom and wash my self up. I reach for my towel and then I spot a stick on the sick. I walk over towards it.

A pregnancy test?

MinHee's Pregnant.

Awwwww omg Minhee😭😭😭😭
I was actually crying writing this chapter but I'm a very emotional person and I cry about everything soooooo it's just me I have nothing to do atm soooooo im just writing chapters. 2 updates in one day niceeeee

-Mrs Horvejkul xx

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