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Genevieve POV

After coming from college I went to the cafe.
I served the usual customers.
There was no one and it was closing time. 
The bell rang when I looked up it was ALEX.
"Hey Alex long time no see"
"Hey Gene I was busy yesterday "
"Oh ok what would you like to take?"
"Actually Gene it's closing time so I just wanted to ask you If you want to go to a carnival?" He asked while fidgeting
he looked verrryy happy

I locked the cafe and we went towards his car.
It took 10 minutes to go to the carnival.

Alex wore a mask when we stepped out.

(Alex wore this mask but this guy isn't Alex)

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(Alex wore this mask but this guy isn't Alex)

"Why are you wearing a mask?"
"I just wanted to"he shrugged.
I nodded and then went to a cotton candy stall
"HEY ALEXXX I want a cotton candy "
He smiled and bought me a cotton candy
Lemme tell you he told me earlier that I am not allowed to pay so who can refuse free FOOD? not me

We finished the cotton candy and I took Alex to a corndog stall
"What is this?" He asked
I dramatically gasped and turned towards him
"WHAT?! you don't know what a CORNDOG is???"
"Umm nope"
I wiped my fake tear "Oh boy your childhood is ruined "
He said seriously "yes it is"
I wanted to ask what he meant but he changed the topic and ordered 2 corndogs.
I was full so I ran towards the FERRIS WHEEL. It was huge

Me and Alex sat in the ferris wheel

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Me and Alex sat in the ferris wheel.
But when it started moving Alex gripped my hand hard.
Oh shiz he is scared of HEIGHTS
"Alexxxx why didn't you tell me that you are scared of heights??"
"You were so happy I didn't want to ruin it"
"Ohh umm then just hold my hand and close your eyes.
He nodded.

Finally the ride was over and my hand was numb due to no blood circulation as Alex had a death grip on my poor hand.

Then we went to a water gun stall

"Hey I want to play that game""Ohkkk" he said and went to the shopkeeper He bought 2 guns He played terrible

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"Hey I want to play that game"
"Ohkkk" he said and went to the shopkeeper
He bought 2 guns
He played terrible. He couldn't even hit one shot but I won a monkey stuffed animal.

After playing and eating it was time to go.

When we reached my apartment Alex opened my door
"Well thank you aren't you a gentleman"
He laughed.
"Thank you Alex for today"
"Thank you Gene for agreeing to go with me I never had this much fun in 23 years of my life"
I smiled and waved at him
"Good night alex"
"Good night Gene"
When I was inside my house he drove away.

I changed and went to my bed.
I had alot of fun today.
But why did Alex said that his childhood was ruined.


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