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"Masa-nii? How long until Mommy has her wedding?" I asked Masaomi as he carried me to the car. I looked back over his shoulder and waved to Mai. Maiko Yodogawa, is my favorite best friend, I've known her since the moment I could talk and walk. "Not much longer, a few weeks at most. Be patient okay?" He explained as he gently buckled me in my car seat. "Okay...but Mommy will be happy to see me right?" I asked. He nodded and patted my head. I swung my legs back and forth as Masa-nii drove us home. Once we were here I began fussing with the belt.

"Hang on, or you're going to get it stuck Ririko." He said, unbuckling it. I smiled as Masaomi carried me out. "Masa-nii. What's that? Why is there a big box there?" I pointed to a box looking car. He smiled gently, and placed me down. "Our new sister is here, she's moving in with us, come meet her. She should be here soon." He explained, grabbing my hand.

I stood next to him as he directed the men where to put the brown boxes they carried. "Masaomi!!" I heard my older brother, Wataru call. "Wataru-chan!" I cheered. He waved and walked up to us. "Ah, Wataru, hold your sister's hand while I explain what room for them to go in okay?" Masa-nii asked. Wataru nodded. We stood here as we looked at Masaomi explaining to the men. After he was done, he came back up to us. "Okay, that was it, all we have to do now is wait." We waved the work men goodbye as rapid footsteps came up to us. "Excuse me, um..." She said.

I squeaked and hid behind Masaomi's long legs. "Hello, I already had your luggage carried up to your room." He explained. I poked my head out slightly. "Ah, yes." She sighed in relief. I tugged on Masa-nii's pant leg. "I'm the eldest son, Masaomi. This is the thirteenth son, Wataru." He said. "Hello, big sister!" He chirped. She smiled at him.

"H-Hello. Ah, who's the little one?" She cooed at me. Masaomi chuckled and picked me up. "This is the youngest and first daughter, Ririko." He introduced, I hid my head in the crook of his neck. "She's a bit shy, sorry." Masa-nii apologized. "Oh, it's fine! Please take care of me from today on!" She bowed. "We'll be relying on you as well." Masa-nii smiled. Suddenly, a little grey squirrel popped out of nowhere, onto the girl's shoulder. My eyes lit up. 'Pretty! Look how cute!!' I thought, instantly regretting it as it spoke. "Hmm, looking at these three, they look harmless." it said. My eyes widened. We walked inside after a few minutes. "Ririko, you have to walk, my arms are getting tired."

Masaomi told me. I nodded and he put me on the ground. I instantly ran towards the living room. I plopped down on the couch and played with the beads Kaname-nii left here.

'I know I shouldn't be touching these, but it's so fun!' I thought. "Hello." I heard the girl say. I looked up to her greeting Tsubaki. "It's a "Nice to meet you" hug~!" Tsubaki voiced as he wrapped his arms around her. I hopped off the couch and walked around them, until my back faced the television. Azusa came and punched Tsubaki on the head. I giggled, but stopped as soon as something landed on my head. I began whining. "Sorry about Tsubaki, I'm Azusa. Please take care of me." Azusa said calmly. I tugged Azusa's pant leg. "Azu-nii...get it off." I whined and pointed to my head.

The girl gasped and grabbed the thing off of my head. "S-Sorry! Juli won't do it again." She quickly apologized. Sighing, I sat down directly where I stood. "That hurt you know, Azusa~!" Tsuba-nii whined. I smiled. "Don't we look similar?" Tsubaki asked. "We're identical twins." Azusa answered. I heard a cart rolling as Ukyo came in.

"You two, you're too loud." He scolded. I waved at him and he smiled back. "Pleased to meet you, my name is Ukyo. I work as a lawyer." He introduced. By then, I had gone back to playing with the beads. Juli began yelling again. "More and more guys with higher specs are appearing after another." He complained. 'I don't know whether I should say something about that or not.' She instantly smiled and bowed. "Please take care of me." Tsuba-nii wrapped an arm around her. "Yea, please do~!" He chanted, as Juli began to hiss. "Tsuba-nii! What are you doing in the house?"

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