Chapter 1

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  I sit by the window listening to the constant tap of rain against the glass.
Enjoying the brief moment of silence all by myself .
"Gianna", I hear my mum call. 
I let out a frustrated groan . She's probably still trying to convince me not to go for my dad's  shooting lessons .

"Mum seriously, I'm not gonna.... " I trail off as I take in my mum's tear stained face .

"What's wrong mum?" I ask

"Your ... " She choked on a sob

"My?... " I say, urging her to go on

"Your dad has been taking by the syndicate's enforcer under the orders of the boss" she cries

"Why? What for? Dad's just a lowly foot soldier, he can't have any contact with the boss "  I tell my mum

"He is  being accused of ratting out the  syndicate  to the russians"  she says  between sobs as she went down on the kitchen floor

"No... " I trail off as a sob escapes me
Shaking my head in disbelief

"No..." I say again , still trying to reassure myself

"We have to do something Gianna,  please" She begs , still sobbing 

"Of course mom, we are gonna find a way , I promise" I say as tear trailed down my left cheek.  I sniff and wipe it immediately. I have to be strong for mum.

I know the punishment that awaits my father. Death is the way the syndicate deals with traitors. death by torture .
I've heard so much about the ways of the syndicate.

"What do we do Gianna?" My Mum asks as tears stream down her face.

"I don't know mum "  I say as I wipe  the lone tear that fell with  back of my sleeve .

"I have to plead with the boss."

"You know that's not possible Gianna, your dad is just a mere soldato, you can't get to speak."

"But I promise to do something  mum, I won't let dad die."  I assure her.

"You can speak with layla" mum says,  sniffling .

"Layla?"  I ask not seeing the correlation .

"Yes layla, she's married to cassio the underboss of Baltimore right?"

"Yes?" I say still confused

"She can plead with cassio, for your father." she says

"Mum, cassio can't plead for dad, dad was accused of being a traitor,  there's no possibility that he can be pleaded for."  I tell her hating the fact that I'm the one making her lose hope . I'm meant to increase her hope not make her lose it but I doubt there's any point in lying .

I went back up to my room, thinking of solutions to dad's predicament. I should probably call layla, my best friend . She always has a way .

I pick up my cell from the nightstand and dial layla's number .

"Hey Gigi"  she greets, not in usual chirpy tone. she probably already heard.

"Hey layla" I greet with my voice hoarse and raw from crying.

"Gigi, you okay? Do you need me to come over? Cassio told me the horrible news and ....." She trails off choking  back a sob.

"Of course I'm not okay layla,  my dad's just been accused of being a traitor. how could I be okay?" I ask

"I'm coming over Gigi, okay ? I'll be there in a an hour or less baby. we are gonna get through this together."

"Thanks lay" I sniff

I hung up to resume thinking while waiting for layla. mum must be dying inside and I feel so useless, for once in by twenty one years of existence I'm completely useless .
Dad must already be under going an endless moment of  torture , the famiglia shows mercy to no one and there's nothing to prove dad's innocence apart from words from the daughter of a mere soldier who is being accused of treason . I and mum are going to be exiled from the mainstream of the syndicate, not that we were anywhere on the food chain before but now, it's going to be a whole lot worse and I don't think mum's going to be able to withstand it . It'll serve as a constant reminder of dad. I immediately shook the thought out of my head, dad's not dead yet and I'm gonna find a way to keep it that way . God , I exhale
"so much for being an optimist." I say to myself sarcastically.

I heard the sound of the doorbell and went down to get the door .I took in layla's disheveled form. Her blonde hair in the sorry excuse of a pony tail and red rimmed eyes .

"God Gigi, I need a hug." she says as she engulfes me in a hug. I knew she  was crying again because I could feel my shirt dampening .

"It's okay lay, I'm sure I'm gonna do something, I won't let my dad die okay ?" I try comforting her.

"God Gigi, it's okay to cry. There's no need to be strong with me okay? You can't be the one comforting me Gigi , it's meant to be the other way round." she says as a new set of tears streamed down her face .

"God damn me for being so emotional "she sniffs.

"Please cry Gigi, let me know you're okay" she pleads.

With that, I knew I couldn't hold it in anymore and I broke into tears .
"I'm scared layla" I cry  "I'm so scared because there's absolutely nothing I can do, and ..."  I choked back a sob, "and mum is so down and I can't offer any comfort this time because I'm ...." I trail off as a fresh set of tears streamed down my cheeks.

"It's okay Gigi." she whispers.
She pulls me to the couch and I lay my head against her shoulder .
"It's okay" she continues to whisper .

"Layla?" I call after sometime

"Hmmm?" she answers.

"I need your help" I say

"Anything for you Gigi, just tell me I'll do it." she says happy to help.

"I need you to talk cassio into ..."

"Gigi, cassio doesn't have the power to release your dad" she cuts me off.

"I didn't say anything about releasing my dad lay, I need him to get me a meeting with the boss" I say

"No Gigi, you can't meet with Lorenzo,  he wouldn't even spare you a glance talk more of having a word with you. you might have never met him but  I have and he's not just it..... He's scary and ruthless and emotionless and .."  she huffed.

"God Gigi he's just a lost cause, if you think your tears or pleas would move him, then you're completely mistaken . It's like he's immune to emotions and tears, he'll show no mercy." she tries explaining .

"Who said anything about tears and begging?" I ask

She looked at me in utter confusion.

" what do you mean Gigi?" She asks, still confused .

"I'm going to speak with him and maybe strike a deal. I don't know,  but I won't show weakness . He obviously hates weakness and I plan on showing him none ."


Authors note:
Don't forget to vote and comment babies.
I love you guys ❤.

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