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 Kanto Region...

"Team Rocket! Give me back Pikachu!" Shouted a 16 year, old raven-haired boy. "Or else you're going to regret it...again!"

"Never twerp! And this time we got something that's going to knock you right out!" Shouted back an unknown age, purple haired woman. She and the other rocket members stopped.

"What are you doing Jessie? We should run!" Said a mid-twenties year old blue-haired man.

"James, Meowth, watch this." Jessie pulled out a gun.

"JESSIE!? Why do you have a gun!?" Asked James.

"I'm fucking sick of always losing to the twerp so I bought a gun. If he surrenders I won't kill him and we can keep him captive! AHAHAHAHAHA!"

"James, I tink dat gun got to her head..." said a talking Meowth.

"We never did anything this extreme before..."

"I found you Team Rocket!"

"He found us!" Shouted James.

"Perfect." Said Jessie calmly. She then walked outside there little hideout which was a cabin and saw the twerp standing at the door, furious.

"Hold it twerp!" Jessie pulled out the gun. "Surrender and I won't kill you." Jessie said with a grin none of the rocket members have seen. Ash's eyes widened when he saw the gun. He quickly put his hand up in the air.

"Smart choice. Smartest choice you've ever made." Jessie lowered the gun, and stopped at his leg. She fired. Ash screamed in pain and she fired a few more times. "This gun is really the best thing that happened to Team Rocket."

James and Meowth were watching with wide eyes as they looked at the laughing Jessie and the twerp who was clutching his bloody leg. Jessie then knocked him out and tied him up.

"There. We have the twerp that has been a thorn in our side for too long. The boss is going to be thrilled! And we even have Pikachu!"

"Yay...Promotion!" James said un-enthusiastically, still shocked at what happened.

Ash woke up at midnight. He saw that he was tied up, but his legs weren't. He tried to stand but failed to the pain in his left leg. He then saw something move towards him. He saw Meowth. Fully awake and his claws ready.

'Is this the end?'

Ash decided to look Meowth straight in the eyes and Meowth charged towards him. Ash was ready to feel the pain but only felt a slight scratch. He looked down and saw the ropes have been cut. He looked at Meowth who already knew what he was going to ask.

"Listen twerp. I don't know what happened to Jessie but she never did something like this before so I'm letting you and Pikachu go because I'm also leaving Team Rocket."

"But Meowth, why are you helping me?"

"Because I'm leaving Team Rocket to the side of good! And I wanted to ask you a favor..."


Meowth left then came back with an object in his hands. Ash recognized it as the gun Jessie used. "Destroy this gun. Completely so it will never be used again!"

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