The "heartthrob" (1)

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It's better to feel pain, than nothing at all
The opposite of love's indifference
So pay attention now

Clock turned its hands on 12.
Yet, there was no sign of him.

It have been a month since, they got married but it doesn't feel like it.

He is a workaholic man and she don't know, why her parents agreed to give her to him.

A man, who can not take care of himself and does not care about his own family. How can people expect from him to take care of a new person in his life, his wife.

Early stages of marriage are important. Two people, who are about to spend their whole life together gets to know each other. Have fun in seeing things in different views and create a bond. Most importantly, they set a path to live happily till death do them apart.

But what were they doing?
Living like stranger!

They fought on the first night, while others creates understandings or have moment.

They stay in separate rooms, while others stay together.

They do not see each other, while others have eye locks.

They choke each other out, while other couple on this planet do not!!

They are not happily wed couple, they are couple living in hell.

And it can not get any better than that for Avni.

All the other proposals that Avni received always had many demands to them. Boys would be decent, but either they or their mothers would have many demands.

When his proposal came, it was different. She felt they would live together, happily. His family seem all cool and chilled. They were all loving and caring. His mother did not demand for anything. She was okay with Avni continuing her education and completing as much as she wanted. Avni's mother-in-law did not wanted a maid nor a daughter-in-law but a daughter. Avni felt at peace that she will not have to face the problems that her older sister have to face. But what she did not knew was that it was going to be a living hell, even with all the things she wanted and no demands or expectations from in laws.

Avni sometimes imagined how her life would have been, if she had accepted any other proposal than his. Yes, she might not have many freedoms but at least her husband would give her some attention or love, right? She regrets marrying him to core, sometimes. If it was not for the promise that she had made that day to his mother, before she was about to leave for airport. Avni would have ditched him and went back to her parents' house or somewhere else.

He wouldn't have noticed that she was not there, anyways!

Avni's thoughts were interpreted with the sound of a honk outside the gate. She looked up on the wall to see the time and it displayed, 2:00AM. She panicked for a while not knowing what to say or do, when he comes inside the house. Suddenly, the door opened and with tired, out of strength steps, he came inside but to only stop midway. His red yet beautiful eyes landed on Avni and he tilt his head a little to side in confusion.

"Why are you all dressed up?"

Avni did not heard a single word he just said. Maybe she was shocked on his 'greeting' or perhaps she was lost.

Her husband was wearing a plain white shirt, which was nicely fit on his body and was tucked in his black pant. He had his black coat neatly folded on his left arm, while he had an iPhone on his right hand that was on his side.

Did he got dressed to come home or was he like that?

Even though, he was tired and it was late at night, he was still neatly and nicely dressed. His hair were somewhat done, while some were loosely hanging on his forehead. He have a nice cleaned shave and blue, tired, ocean eyes. He was perfect, with the body and pointed jawline that if traced with a finger, would cut it.

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