Chapter 28

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A/N: aha happy 28! Also yes this house is based on harry's old one in L.A.

Thursday morning was spent in a four-bedroom, six-bath. It was large and white; each room looked pristine and perfect. This was their second day of house hunting and Louis had already lost track of how many they'd looked at. He would have much rather spent his rare time off during the tour season relaxing at home in London with his love.

But Harry seemed happy; or at least, he was distracted. Within the last two days, he'd thrown himself into finding the perfect home, but not for himself. Louis hated it because he knew exactly what he was doing. This was a backup home, in case Harry did end up being charged guilty with full punishment, and in case he was incarcerated here.

The idea of finding Louis a house here may have seemed selfless upfront, but in reality, Harry just wanted him close. Louis genuinely did like this house though. There was a beautiful view overlooking Los Angeles, and so many amenities his head almost spun. But the idea of living in any one of these places was ruined as soon as Harry had said, "You would love it here," or "Your family could stay in this room." Constantly you, you, you, as if he'd already given up.

The realtor led them into the kitchen next. There was a massive island in the middle of the room and a chandelier that looked like firewood lit on both ends hanging in the middle. With a big smile, the woman pointed out that there were two ovens and a stove on the island for optimal entertainment.

"Oh," Harry laughed out. "He doesn't really cook so this all must mean nothing to him." His eyes shifted to catch Louis' gaze and his smile faltered as he easily read the annoyance.

"But you do cook. You love to cook, so this is perfect for you."

Harry's smile wiped completely off his face. He didn't understand why Louis couldn't even accept the possibility that maybe everything wouldn't work out for the best. Of course, he wanted the best, but he also wanted to be practical, and in reality, he did assault Garrett, so he would more than likely have to pay the consequences.

"Oh, would you be living here as well? My apologies, I had assumed Mr. Tomlinson would be acquiring the estate as a bachelor pad of sorts. If you follow me, I can show you to the master bedroom and then the three others but don't worry they are all very large. I'm sure you'll find something of your liking."

"Actually," the annoyance still thickly coated Louis' speech. "We'd be purchasing the home together. As we are a couple. So we'd be sharing the master bedroom, thanks." He turned his burning glare in the direction of the taller boy before stating, "It's together or not at all," and storming off towards a door that looked to head outside.

"Mr. Styles, I'm so sorry," the realtor stuttered out; her cheeks bright red. "I didn't mean to offend. You two seem like a lovely couple!"

"It's fine, really." Harry's voice was soft and reassuring. "I'm sorry for how he acted. We've got a lot going on, and he's just stressed. But the house is absolutely breathtaking, and I'd love to see more but I really should go check on him."

The kind lady nodded and gestured to the door Louis had just exited from. The second Harry had stepped outside though, he had to pause for a moment. The view was incredible and rather clear for an L.A. afternoon. After only a moment though he turned to find the person he'd come for, standing by the edge of the terrace.

"You're not going to jump are you?"

"Go back inside, Harry."

"What's going on, Lou?"

Louis let out a noise that sounded like a mix between a laugh and a scoff. "You tell me. You're the one trying to find me some perfect house in the perfect place so, what? So I'll be set if you go to jail? Harry none of these houses could ever be perfect if you're not in them with me. We've been together for six years! And living together for almost that whole time." Louis finally turned his body, to angle his full attention to Harry.

"Do you think I'll ever be happy in any of these places without you? Do you really think I want to go to the house after house and talk about what I could do there and how great it would be for me? Because you'd be wrong. Dead wrong. I'm sorry that I don't want to give up already and start planning a life without you when you're not even gone."

"Louis, I—"

"This house is amazing, it is, but I don't want it for just me. I'll never want anything for just me again, so can we please just finish the tour and leave? I don't want to waste any more of this woman's time."

Harry was silent as his boyfriend reentered the house, and stayed that way for the remainder of the tour.

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