chapter 3

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The pledge

Cinder pov

We look at the portal that appeared to the side and out came a girl "my my it appears that I'm the first to arrive" this is shalltear bloodfallen a true vampire she guard's the 1st 2ed and 3ed floor and is created by peroroncino the biggest pervert I know but he did do a good job on shalltear she looks amazing.

Shalltear is a vampire of short stature and has the appearance of a buxom fourteen-year-old girl. Described as a true beauty, she has pale shiny skin, seductive crimson-red eyes, and fine facial features. Shalltear's silver hair is tied in a ponytail through a large ribbon on top of it all, allowing others a full view of her face Shalltear wears a soft black evening dress with a big heavy skirt. Her upper body is dressed in a lace embellished ribbon and a short tailored jacket. Her hands are donned with long lace gloves, not exposing any bit of skin exterior. However, her breasts are fake and are completely flat, similar to a boy's. She covers this up by using an excessive amount of breast pads.

"Oh wow lord cinder the one man I could never rule above my eternal beloved" shalltear runs up to me dropping her parasol turning into pure black butterflies she grabs onto me hugging me pressing her stuffed fake boobs into my chest putting her head under mine I can smell her perfume she then puts her hands close to my but touching the base of my tails I make a small gasp realizing that was sensitive to touch I can't see her face but I believe she is smirking at my reaction so I decided to pet her head I can feel her chicks heat up and she lightly gasping.

"Stop shalltear your starting so slobber on him" aura said snarky.

Shalltear let's go and without turning " hello half pint" she turns her head slightly " I didn't realise you were here" this made aura clench her teeth and grunt in anger.

"Having such a foolish older sister must be difficult Mare however do you manage" she taunts aura.

"Miss fake tits" aura taunts back and shalltear screams in horror all I can think of is this.

"Just as I thought that's why you went through the trouble of using a gate you were in a hurry but since you overstuffed your top so much you were worried that they would shift if you ran hear" Aura roasted again and shalltear is covering her chest like if it would save it from the roasting she received.

"Ahhhhhh watch it elf you've got nothing but a boy chest" she tries to insult back but it didn't go as she planned.

"True but I'm only 76 years old I can still develop Where's your stuck in an undead body maybe you should accept those bug bites" she roasted for a third time I think she is the roast master.

"How dare you I'll make sure you regret that" shalltear angrily shouts and runs up to aura and they start to verbally fight while Mare watches I just get memory flashes of when bukubukuchagama and peroroncino argue and what I can remember is that they were siblings and that bukubku might have had crush on me with all the flirting she did.

As this was happening we failed to realize the stomping that was approaching we only realized when a giant blue monster yelled "what a ruckus stop acting like children in front of the masters." 

This is Cocytus he has the appearance of an insect walking on two feet - a fusion between a mantis and an ant. With a tail twice as long as his height, Cocytus is covered in sharp spikes like icicles and has a strong jaw that can easily snap people's hands Two of his hands hold a silver halberd, while the remaining two hands hold a mace emitting black light and a crooked shape sheath which seems to be for a broadsword. With a breathtaking cold air, the pale blue, hardened bone armor oozes out diamond dust like bright light. His shoulders and back look like uplifted icebergs.

Shalltear and aura are about to get violent. Aura has her whip and shalltear has her hands engulfed in pinkish fire with her eyes glowing red and her teeth sharpened "I'll stop until this elf bitch pays with life."

Cocytus tapped his weapon on the ground and ice coated the ground then momonga shouts enough and activates his passive ability aura of despair " shalltear, aura we don't have time to be playing around" he reprimands them.

They both bow and apologize "I'm glad you came Cocytus" I greet the vermin lord.

"I will always come when my lords call," he replied back.

"Hmm good work" momonga compliments him but before he can continue another voice appears.

"Sorry everyone, I hope you weren't waiting too long," the man apologized while walking to us.

This is Demiurge is described to be a demon with dark skin and nicely combed black hair. Behind the round glasses are eyes so squinted that they are not normally visible. Wearing a British suit with a tie, he is dressed like a gentleman. Behind his back is a silver tail, covered with metal plates and six long spikes at the end. In his humanoid form, Demiurge's pair of eyes lack eyeballs, in fact, shining jewels with numerous small cuts take the place of his eyeballs.

Right in front of demiurge is albedo; she looks stunning as ever as the guardian's line up with albedo in front of them.

"My lords, we the guardian's pledge our fidelity" albedo said as all the guardian's bow to the ground.

"Raise your heads" momonga and I orders while he activates is aura of despair and I activate my nine tails cloak which surrounds me with yellow cloak of energy in the shape of a nine tailed fox it is a passive racial ability that all kitsune's get that causes the terror status effect that can kill lower level enemies.

"We are very pleased that all of you can come," momonga said.

"Your Thanks are wasted on us, pledge ourselves to you to live to obey you our lords. I fear our abilities may not meet your expectations. Despite this we will strive to meet them in honor of the lost supreme beings our blessed creator's this we vow!" albedo declares loudly.

"This we vow!" the other guardian's declare.

"Most excellent our guardians, I have no doubt that all of you will fulfill your duties without fail!" Momonga exclaimed loudly and the guardian's looked pleased and happy.

"Now then the situation outside the great tomb of nazarick at present is entirely unknown to us with this in mind I've had sebas survey the surrounding area" momonga explained and we looked to the left of us and saw sebas bowing waiting for us to announce his presence he walks up to us I wonder what his report will hold.

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