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Looking in the mirror, everything felt so surreal. I look across my face in the reflection, it was unappealing. I turned to my side, examining the myself again, my chest was flat, my stomach was flat, my arms were flat. Everything was flat. I ran a finger throw my dark hair that ran down my shoulder, I twisted it around each of my fingers and let it fall back down.

 I looked down at the counter top, I dusted my fingertips across the metallic surface, until it hit the scissors. I gently picked them up, looking at the sharp edges and snipping the air a few times, before looking back up to the mirror. I grab a strand of hair, running my fingers through it till I reached the tip. Then I began moving my fingers back up until I reached just above my ears, I exhaled through my nose, it made my whole body shake with anxieties. But I held the scissors tightly in my fingers and gently moved above my fingers. I couldn't help but squeeze my eyes shut as I snipped the scissors.

 Taking in a large deep breath into my lungs, I peeked my eye open and saw the strand of hair had landed, draped across my shoulder. I looked to the mirror and there was a clump of hair missing. Moving the scissors back to my hair, I began snipping away, cutting off almost all my hair.

 In the mirror, my reflection was horrifying. My hair was lumpy and choppy, and looked nothing like I'd thought. I looked back towards the counter, setting the scissors down and searching through the drawers. Then I found the electric razor my dad used to cut his own hair. I ran my fingers over the 'on' button and looked to the mop of messy strands of hair running across my face. I pressed the button and it buzzed to life, vibrating in the palm of my hand. Glancing at the mirror once more and at the unattractive hair across my head, I took the razor and began shaving off the extra strands of hair, letting them float to the floor which was covered in my long brown hair.

 After I shut off the razor and put it back in the drawer, I looked up. My hair was nearly all off, except the buzz-cut I had made. I ran my fingers across the thin, short hairs and looked at myself in the mirror. Then I heard a knock on the wooden door, which startled me at first. "Yes?" I asked, about to reach for the doorknob, before realizing; all my hair was cut off. I quickly locked the door and heard my mom knock again, "Jamie dear, are you almost done?" she questioned, in her sweet, yet bothersome high-pitched voice. Holding onto the doorknob tightly, as if for dear life, I forced myself to reply, "Yes. I'm almost done," I told her. After the words left my mouth, I heard her footsteps begin to walk away from the door and down the hallway. Letting my fingers unravel from the doorknob I looked over to the mirror again, brushing a few fingers through the back of my hair.

 I took a broom from the drawer underneath the sink and began sweeping up the hair until I got all the strands off the tiled floor and dumped them in the garbage. Without another glimpse at the mirror, I left the bathroom, with shaky hands and began walking down the hallway. Approaching my mom and dad’s room, I began to over think my plan, my breathing got jagged and stiff. As I was about to whirl around on my heels and lock myself in the bathroom for the rest of eternity, the bedroom door flew open.

 The look on her face, absolutely priceless.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2012 ⏰

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