Nice to meet you Mr. Brown

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(Lora POV)

I was awoken by my mother Angela McPhee. She smiled at me as I woke up. "Another family?" I ask quietly and she nods. I get out of bed and get out of my night clothes nd change into a black knee length dress over some tights. I put on my boots and I placed my beret on my head. My mother then changed into her other self with warts and a snaggle tooth. At first I was quite frightened but I got used to it. I combed my shoulder length brown hair as we started our trek. My mum told me all about the family we are helping. There are 7 children and apparently there is one my age, their names are Simon, Eric, Sebastian, Tora, Lily, Chrissie, and Aggie. We made it to the front door and mum knocked. There was thunder going on in the background and someone I assumed was Mr. Brown opened the door. "Good evening, Mr. Brown. I am Nanny McPhee." Mum said and Mr. Brown stuttered over his words. "Oh, you're... Er...of course." He said then mum introduced me. "This is my daughter Lora, she will be my assistant over the time." Mum said and I nodded my head. "Nice to meet you Mr. Brown." I say and he smiles at me.

"Good heavens. I suppose the agency..." Mr. Brown starts but is interrupted by mum. "I do not belong to any agency, Mr Brown. I am a government nanny." Mum said and I smile. "A government nanny? How... unusual." Mr. Brown says and suddenly thunder claps again. "May we come in." Mum says and he nods. "Yes, by all means, come in." Mr. Brown says and we walk in. "Hm." Mum and I say. As Mr. Brown closes the door thunder rumbles in the distance. "I understand you have extremely ill-behaved children." Mum says and Mr. Brown stops and turns to her. "No. No, no. No. No... Good grief, what a suggestion." He says as china shatters and a child screams. 'Good grief.' I think to myself. "Playful." Mr. Brown says. "What are your main concerns?" Mum asks and Mr. Brown looks confused. "Concerns?" He asks and Mum nods. "Mm. Do they go to bed when they're told?" Mum asks. I turn to Mr. Brown. "Well, no, not, er... No." Mr. Brown stutters over his words. "Do they get up when they're told?" Mum asks. "Er...well, no, not exactly." Mr. Brown says. "Get dressed when they're told?" Mum asks. "Now that's a good question." He says. "Do they say please and thank you?" Mum asks. "In what context?" Mr. Brown asks and I raise an eyebrow. "That will do to be going with." Mum says as a child laughs.

"You're children need me." China shatters again. "I'll go and make sure everything's in order before I introduce you." Mr. Brown says. "I shall introduce myself. Please Mr. Brown go back to your newspaper." Mum says and he nods a bit before walking away. As Mum and I walk to the kitchen which is where the kids are, we pass a woman who looks shocked at mum's appearance. Mum walks away and I send the girl a smile and she returns it kindly. We enter the kitchen. "Oh, look. The door's open and there's nobody there." A boy around my age says stirring a pot. There are muffled shrieks as mum speaks up. "I am here. I am Nanny McPhee." Mum says and the boy I assume is Simon speaks up. "Oh, did...did someone speak?" Simon asks. "I didn't hear anything." A boy under a table making something says. 'Eric.' I think to myself. "That's because nobody's there." Sebastian says with a smirk. They continue their chaotic ways. "Then   and try to hear this. Stop what you are doing, put the kitchen to rights and go upstairs to bed." Mum says as there are more muffled shouts, I look around and see the cook tied to the table. I gasp slightly and I turn and hear the kids being very chaotic and I rub my forehead but I soon see mum take out her stick, I smirk. She bangs the stick and the kids start doing what they were doing before but much faster.

"What's she done?" A young girl I assume is Chrissie asks. "She's done something to us!" Eric exclaims. "I can't stop!" Chrissie exclaims. "She banged her stick!" Eric exclaims. "I'm going to be sick." Chrissie says as she keeps spinning and jumping. "It must be magic!" Eric says. "What's happening?" A girl I assume is Lily says. "Please, Simon, let's stop! We've got to stop!" Lily says. "Let's stop!" The kids says. "Well, stop if you want, then!" Simon says. "We can't!" Lily says. "It's her fault!" Eric says pointing at mum which made me chuckle.  "Come on, whoever you are! Let's stop this and go to bed!" Simon says. "Say 'please.'" Mum says. "I never say please!" Simon says. "Very well." Mum says and we turn to walk away. "Please!" All of the kids except Simon say. "Don't touch Aggie!" Tora says. "Wait!" Lily says. "Say it!" Chrissie says, Simon still looks reluctant. "Actually, Simon, would  you, because this baby's gonna blow!" Eric says referring to his bomb. "And Aggie's going to go into the stockpot!" Lily says. "oh for goodness sakes please then!" Simon says. "Take Aggie off me!" Chrissie says worried. I look at mum and she smiles reassuringly. "Chrissie don't!" Tora says. "Say it!" Chrissie says while putting Aggie into the catapult. 

"Take Aggie out!" Eric says. "No Lily!" Tora exclaims as Lily climbs the steps up to the catapult. "Say it!" Lily exclaims. "Simon!" Tora exclaims. "I can't stop myself!" Lily says. There are pots clattering. "Please Nanny McPhee." Simon says and I smirk. "I'm going to jump!" Lily says worriedly. "Too late!" Eric says as Lily jumps and his experiment explodes. Mum bangs her stick on the ground and there is green smoke everywhere, everything is back to normal. I was stood next to my mum as the kids were in front of us. "Up to bed please." Mum says and the kids don't hesitate to go upstairs, except Simon who spares me a passing glance before going upstairs. Mum and I turn to Evangeline and Mrs. Blatherwick. "Goodnight Mrs. Blatherwick. Goodnight Evangeline." Mum says and they turn to us. "Goodnight Nanny McPhee." They say and I look up. "Goodnight you two." I say with a smile. Goodnight Lora." They say and I smile. As mum and I walk up the stairs to the children's room we hear them muttering. We walk in and we start walking to see if they are tucked in. I pass by Tora who is still holding Aggie. I give her a reassuring smile and she sends one back, I motion if I can hold her and she hands me Aggie. I coo at Aggie as she giggles, I place her in her crib and I smile.

"You must feel at such a disadvantage Nanny McPhee." Simon says and mum turns to him. "In what way?" Mum asks and he smirks. "We know your name but you don't know ours...Except hers." Simon says motioning to me as I smirk at him. "Well then you are at the disadvantage." I say and he gapes at the other kids giggle. Simon snaps out of his shock and continues with his game. "Pleased to meet you. I'm Oglington Fartworthy." Simon says holding out his hand as the other children make fart noises. "How do you do?" Mum asks shaking his hand. I giggle a bit then I tune out as the children use their made up names. "Goodnight, Agatha. Goodnight, Sebastian. Goodnight, Tora. Goodnight, Christianna. Goodnight, Lily. Goodnight, Eric. Goodnight, Simon." Mum says passing by their beds. She turns to me and whispers. "Can you tell them about the way we work?" She asks and I nod. 

I walk back into their room and they give me a look. "Hello children. I am Lora, Nanny McPhee's assistant." I say as they turn to each other, I turn and see Simon staring at me which makes me smile a bit. "There is something you must know about the way we work. When you need us but do not want us, we shall stay. But when you want us but no longer need us, we have to go." I say walking down the isle as Simon exclaims. "We will never want you both!" I smirk. "Then we will never leave." I say but I am stopped by Chrissie. "Can you read to us?" She asks and I smile. I know of their father being unable to read to them due to his work. I nod with a smile, I grab the book that Chrissy gives me. "Once upon a time..."

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