Akane FINALLY gets a name update

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{A/N: I'm not dead. holy   that was a long break. LOL sorry about that. enjoy this garbage!}

Name Guide:

Hanako: toilet ghost

Yashiro: Daikon- Senpai

Kou: Hella lame traffic safety earring

Mitsuba: Dramatic Camera boi

Yako: Fox udon

Tsuchigomori: Spider face sensei

Mei: Art kid

Akane: Akane


Toilet ghost: GUYS

I think i have a nickname for Akane

Dramatic Camera boi: took you long enough.It's about time you change his name

Daikon- Senpai: Rip Akane

Art kid: what's it gonna be?! what's it gonna be?!

Hella lame traffic safety earring: Lol i can just feel everybody just intensely starring at their screens

Art kid: I in fact am

Fox udon: I'm actually curious at what he's gonna put

Dramatic Camera boi: I just wanna know

Daikon- Senpai: Hanako has a talent for making us wait and suffer.

Akane: I'm kinda scared ngl

Hella lame traffic safety earring: I get you

Toilet ghost changed Akane's nickname to Simpkane

Simpkane: Why what why EXPLAIN YOURSELF

Dramatic Camera boi: LOL that actually fits him I'm dead

Simpkane: Stop laughing

Daikon- Senpai: F

Art kid: Bro Akane just got e x p o s e d

Daikon- Senpai: Ikr

Dramatic Camera boi: This is the best thing to ever happen to this groupchat yet

Hella lame traffic safety earring: Preach Akane preach

Hanako made his name choice and is likely not gonna change it

Toilet ghost: SoOooO. Like the name Akane :)

Simpkane: No not at all


Toilet ghost: Well because you simp over Aoi sooooooooo

Simpkane: I do NOT simp over Aoi!

I simply treat her like she should be treated

Dramatic Camera boi: *snifs air* do I smell S I M P

Simpkane: Y'all mean

Dramatic Camera boi: sorry not sorry. This is just too funny 

Art kid: I mean stop lying to yourself Akane. You be simping

Hella lame traffic safety earring: It actually kinda worries me. Like all he ever thinks about is Aoi

Daikon- Senpai: Same, like I get Ao- chan is awesome but like Akane you be simping too much for your own good

Toilet ghost: True lol

Simpkane: Wow



ok yeah I'm out bye

Dramatic Camera boi: Bye lol

Art kid: Welp he be gone

Simpkane: Nah bruh

I'm just too lazy to type rn so I'll just watch your conversation :v

Toilet ghost: k lol

Daikon- Senpai: Welp

You guys wanna get slushies or something?

Hella lame traffic safety earring: Yiiiiiiiisssssssssss

Art kid: I'm down

Dramatic Camera boi: Yeah why not

Simpkane: K

Toilet ghost: Can I get donuts though? I'm not coming if I can't

Daikon- Senpai: Sure

Toilet ghost: When do we meet

{A/N: soooooooo ye humm I still don't like Aoi cuz like If you read the manga you'll know but like, in this alternate universe she's nice oKaY. Speaking of Au... I have no idea what is going on with this fic. Like This is an Au where like The school mysteries aren't completely bound to the school i guess. Idk at this point :p thanks for reading this anyways i appreciate it :) }

The toilet squad gets a groupchat (tbhk Chatfic)Where stories live. Discover now