The date is January 24, 1992.
Brooklyn, New York.
(Y/n) had just gotten her new job at Roadrunner Records. She was studio help. She'd be working with the sound equipment and helping put the music together accordingly.
Arriving on scene (y/n) notices a tour bus outside the office. Walking into the building she's greeted by the two men who guarded the door. Stopping to speak to Ronnie, the receptionist, you walk upstairs towards the studio. Approaching the studio you hear music blaring through the door. (Y/n) knocks on the door before entering. The manager of the booth, Aaron, let you in. Coming in you see a group of men huddled up together listening to a guy in the drumming booth. A tall black haired man turned around, making eye contact with you.
His eyes were a dark emerald green, so elegant.
He smiles at you, you blush looking away. There was alcohol and pizza strewn about the place. The other men turn around to look at you, turning their heads back.
All but one.
He just kept staring at you.
Not looking back you begin your work, cleaning up the place then sitting down at your assumed position. Feeling a hand on your shoulder you look up from your chair. It was the man that had been staring at you. Smiling he speaks. "I couldn't help but notice your beauty when you walked in, my apologies for staring. I'm Peter, would you care to have dinner with me?" He says in a thick jersey sounding accent. The man grabs your hand.
"Who are you exactly?". You question him.
"My dear I am Peter Steele of Type O Negative, as well as carnivore. Have you heard of our band?"
"I've heard your music is raunchy."
He laughs to himself.
"I'd say it's more than raunchy, but that was the intention. To make it as sexual as possible." His voice resonated in your ears. It was like pure silk. So deep and sultry.
"Would you like to stick around for our rehearsal?"
"Well I work here so I'll definitely be sticking around." You giggled. Smirking he looks down at you.
"What's your name?"
" (Y/n)."
"(Y/n)? That's a beautiful name for such a beautiful woman."
What a flirt.
"Listen miss (y/n), I don't usually come on this strong. I'd really love to take you out and treat you to dinner."
You accept his invitation. With that he smiles to himself. Squeezing your shoulder he sits back down, unable to focus on his work.
He just stares at you the to entire time. Making eye contact ever so often he'd wink at you.
A few hours in the studio go by, listening to their few tracks you bobbed your head. Getting a feel for what their genre was, the Gothic doom metal wasn't all that bad. So melancholic. While working you feel two hands on your shoulders, only to have your chair pushed down and being forced to look into the eyes of Peter.
"Are you hungry? The boys were going to get some food, I thought I'd offer."
"No thank you, I'll eat when I get home." "Suit yourself gorgeous."
With all the men gone it was just you and Peter. I guess he decided not to leave.
With him sitting next you he helps put a few beats in place. Talking and laughing for a bit the boys came back. With 30 minutes left on your shift you packed your station up. Peter noticed, he stops and asks if you're heading home. He offers you a ride and you decline. Persisting you finally agree and let this tall man give you a ride home. Dropping you outside your apartment complex, he makes sure you get inside before driving off. Heading into your apartment you can't stop thinking about him. While hopping out of the shower, the phone rings. She answers in a chipper tone, a familiar voice on the other line.
"Hey (y/n) it's Peter, I'm sorry to call so late. Just wanted to make sure you got in alright."
"Yeah I'm fine, how'd you get this number?"
"I asked Arron for it, he told me quite a bit about you miss (l/n). I'll see you tomorrow in the booth. Goodnight sweet heart." With that he hung up, leaving you star struck and excited for tomorrow.

Peter Steele, God of Seduction. (Discontinued)
RomanceThis is a Peter Steele x reader story.