Zecora's Visit!

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Sombra's Castle!
Throne Room!
Starlight p.o.v

" What do you think he's doing to Twilight!?" Applejack said. "I don't know!?" I said." I miss Mommy!" Chrystal Rose said crying. "There little one it will be alright!" Rarity said calming Chrystal Rose." I'm bored!" Pinkie Pie said. "Seriously Pinkie!" Rainbow said." Oh I have an idea!" Pinkie Pie said. "Huh what is it!?" I said. "Really!" Applejack said. "I have no ideas. Do you! Right now. I can get wherever!" I said. "Oh Chrysalis!" Pinkie Pie said. "What!?" Chrysalis said. "Can I have paper and crayons. Please! I'm bored!" Pinkie Pie said. "No!" Chrysalis said." Please, please, please, pretty please!" Pinkie Pie kept saying until. "Fine if it will make you be quiet!" Chrysalis said handing Pinkie Pie crayons and paper. "Thanks You!" Pinkie Pie said. "Here right a letter to Zecora!" Pinkie Pie said giving me a piece of paper and a crayon. "Nice work pinkie!" Rainbow said. "Thanks You!" Pinkie Pie said. "Oh can I color with you!" Fluttershy said. "Sure thing here!" Pinkie Pie said. "You know what Pinkie Pie can be smart sometimes!" Applejack said. "Alright!" I said writing the letter.

Dear Zecora,

We need you to come to Canterlot. It's an emergency! King Sombra is back an captured us all. Right now where safe but Sombra hit Princess Twilight on the check and she says it burns her a lot all of the sudden. I don't know why so I'm asking you! Can you please come! Thanks You!

Your friend,
Starlight Glimmer

"Now what!?" I said folding the letter. "Sent it to Spike!" Pinkie Pie said. "Pinky your a genius!" Rainbow said. "Here you go Spike!" I said handling the letter to him. Spike then blow the letter sending it away. "There now we wait!" I said.

A few hours later!

Sombra is back. "What did you do to Twilight!?" I said." I put her to sleep with a sleeping spell it will were off in a few minutes more!" Sombra said. This got me angry. All of the sudden a Zebra appert." Zecora!" We yelled out." I came... as quickly... as I could!" Zecora said catching her breath. "Who's this!?"  Sombra said. "Hello my name is Zecora I came from my home. Here they need my help and here I am." Zecora said.  "I didn't ask for her to come!?" Sombra said. "We did! Twilight needs help!" I said. "Where Twilight!? I don't see the purble Alicorn anywhere!" Zecora said. "Here I am!" I heard a voice. Twilight was walking towards Zecora. She looks tired. "Oh my you look more tired than Luna in morning sky!" Zecora said. "I'm fine!" Twilight said. "Twilight, You should rest more!"  Sombra said. "I said I'm fine!" Twilight said not turning around. Zecora than looked at Twilight's cheeck. "What is it!?" I said." I'm not quite sure yet until I see the one that has done this!" Zecora said. Sombra walked close to them. "I did this to her!" Sombra said. Twilight didn't look at Sombra. "Let me take a closer look!" Zecora said. Sombra took his armour off only the part where I think he hit her with. Zecora looked at his hoof then his eyes. "Your full of darkness I see,but you have love in your eyes." Zecora said. I think Twilight shed a tear when she heard this. "Aahh! It's happening again!" Twilight said touching her cheek. Sombra was about to approach her but got interrupted. "No! I must see this for my self!"  Zecora said looking at Twilight's eyes. I then got a scared seeing them. "Why are her eyes glowing like Sombra's!?" I said. "That's a good question!?" Zecora said. Then Twilight got up like if it didn't happen at all. Her eyes were the same. "Mmhh... Was the King of fears have the same eyes as you had when he hit you!?" Zecora said. Twilight nodded. "Your in great danger my dear. But don't feed for I have a cure!" Zecora said. "Phew! I thought she could die or something!" Pinkie Pie said. "Umm... Zecora can you please explain what Sombra did to Twilight!?" I said. Of course! "What Twilight has is what you fear if not treated quickly she will never wake from her worse fears! For she might sleep for a thousand years!" Zecora said. This got me scared. "Yezz thanks for asking!" Rainbow said. "But there's a problem right now!" Zecora said. "What is it!?". Fluttershy said worried for Twilight. "She must go to my home. For here she can't be treated. " Zecora said. "And why not!?" Sombra said." She can't be near dark magic or else it will fasten the slumber." Zecora said. This got Sombra mad.

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