Ant's Girlfriend [2]

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        ***The Next Day***


The phone was ringing and Dec picked it up.

"Aalright mate. D'ya wanna come to my house?" Ant asked.

He was secretly planning to introduce Dec to his new girlfriend.

"Uhm...At this time?" yawned Dec.

"Yes mate. I have a surprise for you."

"Fine." Dec agreed as he was always ready for another opportunity to see Ant.

Dec put down the phone and got ready. He decided to wear a suit to somehow impress Ant. Maybe he would fall for him then.

10 minutes later...

The doorbell rang and Dec answered it, nervous but happy to see his crush.

Ant took Dec to his house in his car.

When they walked in, Dec got a strong scent of perfume. He didn't once question it though.

As they both walked in to Ant's living room, Dec spotted a pretty blonde girl on the sofa. It was as if at that moment, his heart broke into a million pieces. He needed no explanation. It seemed that his chances of being with Ant were non existent. Ruined by this woman he'd only locked eyes with for 20 seconds.

"You alright Declan?"

Ant looked at his girlfriend.

"Oh you've met her have yer? Well. Dec, this is my girlfriend, Kayla."

"Uh..uhm... She's pretty." Declan lied, trying to convince Ant he was into girls.

"I know." smiled Ant, "Y'know, for a while I thought you were gay. You never seemed to have an interest in women. I see you do now though." Ant chuckled.

"Y-yeah." Dec replied in an attempt to hold back his disappointment.

"I-I uh, I usually go for a little walk in the morning." said Dec. "D'ya mind if I take a quick stroll?"

Ant nodded, "Of course, breakfast will be ready for when you return."

"Thanks mate." replied Declan walking out the door, ready to get away from the sad reality for a few minutes.

It was raining. He was trying to hold back his tears. He couldn't help it, he loved Ant so much.

"I just want someone to hold me in their arms. Tell me they love me. Wipe away my tears when everything becomes too much." Dec muttered. "I want Ant. I want him to kiss me in the rain. Tell me everything will be okay and he will always love me."

Declan paused for a moment, observing the charcoal clouds forming in the sky.

He sighed, " can he love me forever when he doesn't even love me in the first place?"

He turned back towards Ant's house. He realised that announcing his love for Ant outside in the pouring rain wouldn't fix anything.

When he got back, He saw Ant kissing Kayla. Dec couldn't take it. He hated himself for not being good enough.

Ant saw Dec had come back from his walk, but before he could tell him breakfast was ready, Dec had ran upstairs into one of the rooms.

Dec saw a handbag in the room. He couldn't help but look inside. He found a note.

Declan couldn't control his anger

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Declan couldn't control his anger. He was infuriated. Kayla was dating SEVERAL men at the same time. One being his crush...Ant.

But why? Wasn't one enough for her? Ant meant the entire universe to Dec, yet this player decided it was okay to use him. She thought it was okay to hold back Declan from being with his dream boyfriend. Sadly, there was hardly anything Dec could do other than confront her about it.

Dec walked downstairs.

"Ant... Could I talk to you over here...Alone?"

Ant nodded.

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