I Dont Think So

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Hey I wanna give a small shout out to Gold_shadow because you have read my stories and are reading this one so thank you and I'll be giving other shout outs in other chapters but and anyways thanks you for reading till then byeeeee.


The picture is of Jack's mom


"Owwww" I said to myself as I reached up to feel the forming bump on my head.

I opened my eyes to find that I was in my room. I looked around till I remembered running and the tree. That's all I could remember though. I got up and was greeted by more pain. I started walking down stairs when I heard voices causing me to stop for a moment.

"Well it was so nice of you to help my son."

; Here have another cookie." I heard my moms voice say.

"Thanks anything to help. I mean I couldn't just let him lay there that would be so rude and he could have gotten more hurt if I did." I heard a male voice reply to my mother.

Wait I know that voice. No it can't be; I walked downstairs slowly and saw his beautiful face. He really was a beautiful boy his hair was perfectly spiked just like at the beginning of the day.

"Um phoenix?" I asked staring at the boy sitting on my couch.

I saw him stare up with a cookie in his mouth. My mom always made people I brought over have a cookie...which I don't blame her her cookies were really good. I mean like warm and chocolate gooeying out. Anyways I looked at him and wondered why he was here.

"Hey jack." He said smiling and finishing his cookie and licking his fingers. I watched sinfully as his tongue made his fingers wet till my mom broke me out of my glaze.

"Oh you two know each other?" My mom asked looking at me then him.

"Yes, jack and I share two classes together. Of course we just met today though because I'm new to the state." Phoenix said looking back at my mother.

"Oh where did you come from and why did you decide to move to Montana?" My mom asked him being nosey as always.

"Well my uncle moved us after his other brother died. Well my dad...." He said frowning. "And we are originally from Pennsylvania." He finished calmly.

I walked downstairs and sat next to him to somewhat comfort him.

"How did your father um.." My mom asked looking at him. I shot her a death glare but phoenix started talking.

"A fire was set to out house..I was with my uncle so I didn't know till the police came to his house..." He said with sorrow in voice. "But we are doing better so yea.."

He finished then all was silent.

We were silent for a couple minutes till I decided to break the ice.

"What time is it?" I asked yawning.

"It is 11 o'clock." Phoenix said looking down at his phone.

"Oh phoenix I lost track of time sweetie. Your gonna be spending the night then because I don't want you doing home the road is filled with drunks at this time so you can sleep in jacks room with him." My mom said staring at him.

"Ma'am I think I'll be fine." He started.

"Boy don't you argue with me. I am not letting you on the road. So let me call whomever you live with to explain to them you'll be here.

Phoenix nodded and handed my mom his phone.

" My uncles name is Zack so just letting you know." He said slightly smiling.

My mom called his uncle and well my mom of course got him to say okay cause no one wants to mess with a sleepy mother at this time of night especially my mom cause she can be the sweetest lady until she is tired.

My mom got him some pillows and covers and handed them to me. We went up to my room and I made him a bed on the sofa I had in my room.

"So...." He said looking at me.

"Yea?" I replied finishing his little bed thing.

"Are you gay?" He asked raising his eye brows.

"Um yea why?" I said wondering if he was gonna be a dick about it. I mean I didn't sound like rude about it but I mean I would be mad if it were a problem.

"Well I was gonna take me shirt off cause thats how I sleep...." He told me staring at me.

"Just because I'm gay doesn't mean I'm gonna be attracted to you.." I said becoming annoyed with his accusations.

"Your right." He said slipping off his T-shirt.

I looked at him and he was so hot he was well muscled with a well defined six pack.

I turned away because I knew I was turning red.

"Haha are you blushing?" Phoenix asked trying to see my face.

"No." I said smiling and trying to turn away even more.

I then did something bold I hugged the beautiful shirtless boy.

"Thank you for not just leaving me there in the woods." I said softly.

I felt him grip tighter and breath in.

"Mhm." He said on my neck.

"Haha um phoenix." I said wanting him to let go but he didn't.

"Phoenix." I said again but he gripped tighter

"Phoenix!" I said pushing him off me. For a second I saw his eyes and I swear that they were black as coal. They were only that way for maybe a nanosecond I must have hit that tree pretty fucking hard.

"Sorry man just um I like hugs...." He said softly getting on the bed I made him.

"Haha yea same." I said rubbing the back of my head.

"Anyways thanks." I said smiling and climbing into bed.

"So are you straight?" I asked slowly.

"No, that's why I didn't want to take my shirt off cause I don't if you tried something I'm not sure if I would stop you." He replied laughing.

"Haha yea..." I said slightly.

"Don't tell my mom your gay yet. She would be really mad that your staying the night in my room." I said sternly.

"Well she's the one that made me stay." He said in a cocky voice.

"Well she would have still just you would be downstairs and not in my room with my door closed." I said shutting the light out.

"Yea, I like it up here though. Your room is pretty cool." He replied.

"Its average. By the way if you can you can stay home with me tomorrow. I'm staying home cause my head and my parents will be gone." I said biting my lip in the dark.

"Yea I'm pretty sure my uncle would be fine with that." He said.

He tall!ed his uncle really quick and told me he could. I rushed downstairs and told my mom since she was still up and she said it was fine.

I ran back upstairs and laid in my bed.

"Okay so I guess me and you are hanging out tomorrow." I told him smiling in the dark.

"Cool, so I guess this means were friends?" He asked.

"Yes it meand were friends." I replied laughing.

"Good night jack." He said giggling.

"Night phoenix." I replied.

Soon I fell into a deep sleep hoping u would have a very nice dream of him ;)


Yay all done with this part lol till next part byeee I love you all!

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