What Happened?

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Hey guys shout out libanes2010 I want you guys to show her some love and go like her story and just follow. I love that gurl to death and she read my story and just I love seeing her cause she is one if my besties so yea. Here is part number 6 and I'm so excited but first a question. Do you Guys like jacks POV or phoenix's POV more. Comment the answer so I can put more of them if needed and the pic above is a little old school gay vampire action so yay lol.

Okay I'll give you the part now I'll just go day dream. Byeeee


Phoenix's POV

Fuck this has never happened to me before. I mean I can make someone forget easily but they have never fainted because of it. What if I fucked up his braincells. Fuck what do I do. I wiped my face that still had blood on it then got down on my knees beside him.

Hmmm mouth to mouth. I've seen it on TV. It can't be that hard right?

I slowly licked my lips and held his nose and pressed my lips firm against his.

Does it count as harassment if I'm enjoying this? I don't care to be honest. I did the best i could in the moment. Soon I felt hands on the back of my head and his lips started moving with mine.

I kissed him then let him go.

"Hello sunshine." I said smiling at him.

Jack's POV

I woke up to someone's lips pressed firm against mine..then I realized whose lips they were. They were so soft, then I realized what I was doing, I was kissing him. I mean I didn't even know what happened just he smelled so good and his lips were so nice that I just had to. He kissed back and then stopped.

He looked down at me and smiled.

"Hello sunshine." He said smirking.

"Hey." I replied smiling back.

"What happened?" I asked rubbing my head.

"You were cutting an apple then got hurt and saw blood and fainted." He answered staring at me.

"Oh...so how did your lips end up on mine.?" I asked with a confused glaze.

"Mouth to mouth.."  He replied smirking.

I bit my lip for a moment.

"Want more practice?" I asked blushing.

"Always." He replied grabbing my face.

Soon his lip were pressed against mine and he tasted so good. I was soon getting into it and pressed up against him before shoving my tongue in.

"Mmmm" I moaned in his mouth and started feeling around with my tongue. Soon I was feeling his teeth with my tongue before jumping back.

"What's wrong?" He asked looking at me.

"My tongue its cut." I said grabbing a towel and spitting blood into it.

"Oh are you okay?" He asked staring at me.

"Yea...I think.." I said looking down.

"Your teeth are really sharp." I said looking back up at him.

"Yea they are..." He replied looking down.

"Your not human are you?" I said quietly.

He got up fast and backed against the wall.

"I don't know what your talking about."

He said pacing back and forth.

"Yes I do....I watch vampire diaries I know a vampire when I see one." I said standing up.

"Hahaha you think you know all about me because a stupid show." He said laughing looking down.

"So you are one!!!" I said jumping up and doen smiling.

"Shhhh....yea don't tell and you shouldn't be so happy you should be scared.." He said staring at me.

"Why, your not scary at all." I said smiling.

Before I knew it he was in front of me and I was up in the air by my throat.

"I could kill you by squeezing." He said with his fangs coming out. Before I knew it his eyes were black as night which causing all happiness in me fade.

I stuttered my words till he sat me down.

"I could make you my slave if I wanted." He said staring into my soul.

I couldn't help myself and replied like a dumbass.

"Kinky." I said smiling and looking at him.

"Silence." He said.

Soon my lips closed and I couldn't speak.

"Get on your knees." Phoenix said.

With no control I got on my knees that were now a little shaken.

"Bow down to me." He said with his voice growing deep.

Soon my hands were going up and down and my lips couldn't move causing me to become frightened.

"Stop." He said in the darkest I've heard him talk. He then waved his hand and I was able to speak again.

He walked towards me as his eyes went back to normal and hugged me.

"Don't worry though. I don't bite...much".he said smiling against my cheek that he placed a warm kiss on.

" bite me." I asked against his body.

"No....not till the time is right." He replied moving back.

"Okay then..so wanna go upstairs?" I asked looking at him.

"Sure why not...we can talk." He replied smiling at me with his teeth back to normal.

We ran upstairs and I jumped on my bed as he sat down quietly.

"So what else exist?" I asked smiling.

"Wearwolfs are basically the only other real creatures I suppose." He answered getting close to me.

"What about witches?" I asked looking at him smiling.

"Well I mean...there aren't witches or say. Though some people are very very good at Wicca and can make things happen. So I guess in a way there are witches." He replied kissing my cheek.

"So what if I tried Wicca?" I asked wanting to know his opinion.

"I think you would be successful in it.." He told me kissing my lips.

"Okay one more question....are we dating?", I asked biting my lip.

" yes I believe so." He replied pulling me into his arms which were so strong and comforting.

"Yay!" I exclaimed kissing him.

Soon we were kissing and I loved feeling his body on mine. Then slowly he got to my neck and licked it causing me to moan with pleasure. He moved back to my lips before grabbing my shirt up a bit.

"No babe." I said staring at him.

"Not yet." I told him staring into his eyes.

"Okay then when..." He whined like a child.

"When the time is right...."

I Dont Bite...Much {BoyxBoy}Where stories live. Discover now