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I was born on July 30, 1997 in the back seat of my Uncles Chevy truck. Classy I know but hey you can't stop a woman in labor. My mother was an Angel named Rosemary who was banished from heaven after falling in love with my dad. She never once contacted Dean after she found out that she was pregnant because a hunter had no business with a family. When I turned 6 months old I was taken from my mother. A demon broke into my house and snatched me from my crib as my mother slept and he took care of me until I was 4. When the demon had brought me back my own mother did not recognize me. I was born with blonde hair and blue eyes but when I returned I had dark brown hair and apple green eyes. My mother says I spoke to her in an unknown language and was easily angered. She had doctors check me over and found that under my finger nails was dirt only found in the inner walls of a volcanoe. I learned English soon enough but still spoke with an accent and would only eat red meat which made my mother fear that I was something beside human. When I turned 7 I met an angel named Gabriel, he brought me candy and asked me about my mother who was slowly losing her mind. When he saw how sickly she had become he brought it upon himself to take me from her. I kissed mother's cheek and walked out the front door of my house. I never looked back, never worried about her, and never saw her again. Gabriel kept me hidden in different countries, different homes, and at times even different time periods. It was possibly the most fun I had in my entire life. He taught me about Angels and Demons and Monsters in between but I only saw them as fictional characters and not as real things. I stayed with him until I was 13 and then I wanted an adventure of my own! He was mad to say the least but allowed me to go. I soon realized that every nightmare and scary movie I had ever seen lived right in plain sight. I was scared out my wits half the time but soon realized that I was handy with a gun and everything was kill able. I met a Demon named Neftali who become my best friend. We traveled together for a while staying in abandoned houses for weeks at a time. He taught me black magic and how to mess with random demons by drawing some strange symbol (a devils trap) on the ground. Neftali said he was a new demon and died when he was 15 so he still remembered being human, hence why he was still so calm and nice to be around. The body he possessed was a legally dead boy's whose soul had long been gone after a tragic car wreck. We were staying in an abandoned house with four other demons when THEY came. I was upstairs asleep when I heard screaming and things breaking and gun shots. I quickly grabbed my gun and headed down stairs just in time to see Neftali being exorcized from his body. I aimed my gun at the two Hunters and shot the taller one in his upper left shoulder. He cried out in pain and the shorter one fired back at me. I felt a jolt in my arm and the feeling of fire as I realized that I had been shot! I screamed in agony and was quickly grabbed by the hunter who I had not shot. He dragged me down the stairs and threw me on the floor next to where Neftali's vessel lay. I began crying seeing my beloved friend dead and began throwing the knives that I had tucked in my boot. One knife grazed the cheek of the un-shot hunter while another stuck itself in his calf. He roared in pain and anger and called out to his partner, "Sammy grab her!" I felt two gigantic hands wrap around my waist and water being poured on me. "Get off me Green Giant!" I screamed at him. "Dean holy water isn't working!" Sammy yelled as I kicked at him. "I'm not a demon you asshat now put me down!" I screamed loudly. Dean walked over to me and roughly grabbed my face, "If you aren't a demon then what are you!?" I was now terrified. Sammy still was holding me still and Dean had an iron grip on my jaw. I was going to die. "WHY DID YOU KILL THEM!? THEY WEREN'T DOING ANYTHING BAD!" I yelled, kicking Dean in the stomach. "Put her down Sammy she's just a kid." Dean said as he regained some breath. Sammy dropped me and I tried scrambling away to Neftali but Dean reached out and grabbed me by my arm. "Oh no you don't! Get over here now!" He yelled. I whimpered but obeyed and was dragged out of the house and was thrown into some old car. I began screaming and kicking and fighting as hard as I could but Dean started the car and started driving me away with them anyway. Realizing that I was captured I shut up and began to pray to Gabriel hoping he would hear me...

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