You are not the father:

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"Hey kid wake up." Dean said gently shaking my shoulder. I sat up quickly and by reflex I swung my fist as hard as I could. Dean swore as he barely dodged my punch and caught my fist with his large calloused hands, "You keep swinging at me like that and we're gonna have some problems." I yanked my wrist out of his hand and checked my surroundings. We were in a hotel, a cheap one, but it would suffice. "What do you want with me?" I asked as Dean opened a cooler and grabbed a cold beer. "How about your name?" The taller one said. I raised my eyebrow at him,"How about you guys let me go before I get violent." "How about you just answer the damn question?" Dean snapped. I rolled my eyes, "By the smell of you two I would think you two are Winchester's but the fact that you could barely take me down I'm starting to doubt that." Dean's eyes grew wide and Sam started to stare me down. "So, you aren't a demon then what are you?" Sam asked. I shrugged, "Honestly I don't really know. My dad just told me I was important and to not get myself killed." "Your dad? Okay well what's his name?" Sam asked hopefully. "Gabe's the name! Tricks are my game." Gabriel said popping out of nowhere. I grinned as the boys whipped around to stare at Gabe. "Thought Medatron ganked you months ago?" Dean said in disbelief. "Oh he tried but you guys should know by now that I am just amazing. Now enough with that I need the tiny creature thing to come with me." Gabe said glaring at me. Was I in trouble? "Why? What is she to you?" Sam asked. "Sorry Gigantor but that secret is top secret, extra hush-hush. Now come on." Gabe said. I stood up only to realize that my legs were wobbly and almost useless. I stood up straight and started walking towards Gabriel only for my legs to fail and my face almost kissed the ground if it wasn't for Sam's great catch. Gabriel quickly grabbed my face in his hands, "Okay Tiny when was the last time you ate?" I tried to remember but I couldn't...has it been that long? "I don't know...over four months, six tops?" I said looking up at him. Gabriel scooped me up in his arms and sat me at the tiny table that stood in the "kitchen" area of the room. Dean was watching me with a questioning look and Sam just looked wary. Gabriel snapped his fingers and a large bloody stake appeared on a plate in front of me, "Start eating T-Rex we got a big road trip to get started on." I gingerly started nibbling on the stake while the boys hounded Gabriel with questions. "So when were you going to tell us you had a kid?" Sam asked as he move his computer and other things off the table. "The real question is when was the last time either of you showered? Smells like demon blood and burnt skin in here." Gabriel said eating some skittles from his pocket. "Blame Bloody Mary over there. We found her being really buddy buddy some demons. Powerful ones at that too." Dean said sipping his beer. Gabriel's stare could have melted the North Pole. "You were where?!" He snapped angrily at me. "Dad come on they weren't that bad! They were really nice to me! I mean Neftali even showed me some magic!" I quickly said. "Dad?" Sam and Dean said in unison. "They are DEMONS, Kate! You can't trust demons! Damn it you should know this by now! I don't know why I even let you go off by yourself in the first place! Why can't you just listen to me in the damn first place!? You are just like your mother! Can't listen to ANYONE!" Gabriel ranted. "YOU AREN'T EVEN MY REAL DAD! HOW ABOUT YOU QUIT LYING TO ME WHO MY PARENTS ARE AND JUST TELL ME WHAT I'M SUPPOSED TO DO WITH MY LIFE! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW WHAT TO DO IF EVERYONE KEEPS LYING TO ME!?" I screamed. The room was silent for what seemed like an eternity. Gabriel was fuming and so was I. "You want your real Dad? Fine, there he is! You want the truth? Your mother was supposed to marry me not fall in love with Dean! You were supposed to be my daughter not his! Dean Winchester is your Long-lost father figure! Have fun kid. I've had enough!" Gabriel snapped. He then snapped his fingers and was gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2015 ⏰

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